To secure your place within the cafe, you must first be placed on the mailing list.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to write to the game manager/owner, Nia
and ask to be added.
Without exception, anyone who is added to the mailing list will be required to
spend one week observing in order to 'get the hang' of how things are done.
After one week, said individual will be more than welcome to join in as an active
participant. Or, you may simply wish to continue as a non-participant and just
enjoy the writing.
Create A Character
Decide on his/her physical description, history, origins and nature and write a
biography for him. It can be anything...human, vampire, witch, faery...or
anything else your imagination can create. (**As long as they LOOK human!**)
After spending a week simply observing, you will understand more about this
part and will have an idea of how it should be accomplished. The first post
should include, at the end, the bio for your character. Or, you may send it in a
separate post.
Once your character is inside, you may join in the
storylines, if it's all right with the other writers, or simply wait for someone to
notice your character and pick up a conversation. You may also contact the
writer (or writers) of a certain character (or characters) and ask if they would
be interested in interacting with you. Sometimes you may have to take the
initiative and have your character approach another first. That's perfectly all
right, too.

Click to join cafe-de-minuit
