The National Food Safety Database
A "one-stop shopping" site for food safety information
USDA Food Safety and Inspection
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is the public health agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture responsible for ensuring that the nation's commercial supply of meat, poultry, and egg products is safe, wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged.
Foodborne Illness Information
Learn about foodborne illnesses from this USDA/FDA site.
Food Storage
Tips from the Illinios Cooperative Extension Service's on food storage.
Food Spoilage and You
University of Georgia's Extension Service discussion on food spoilage. What causes it, what to look for and how to prevent it
Nitrite Information
Results of a National Acadamy of Sciences study on nitrites in products.
Meat and Poultry Labeling Terms
Here from USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is a glossary of meat and poultry labeling terms.
Storage of Meat and Poultry
Here are some of the scientific principles behind the safe storage of meat and poultry.
Why Use a Meat Thermometer
The USDA's discussion on use of a meat thermometer to ensure meats are cooked to a safe temperature.
Food Safety Questions
The USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline receives similar calls every day about the safety of food. During the holidays, people are busy and sometimes forget that improper handling and cooking can lead to foodborne illness.
Food Poisoning/Infection
University of Georgia's Extension Service discussion on bacteria and food poisoning.
Home Canning
Home Canning Online's page of recipes, tips and products
Cooking Wild Game
Tips for the safe handling and cooking of wild game.
Drying Foods
Extensive information from the University of Illinois on drying various fruits, vegetables and meats
Freezing Tips
Requirements for the freezing of meats and vegetables from the University of Florida
Meat Cures
Information on various meat cures including nitrates.
Drying and Curing Food
Information on drying and curing meats, spices, fruits and herbs.
Sodium Erythorbate
Information on the preservative sodium erythorbate.
Food Preservation Suppliers
A listing of businesses dealing with the aspects of food preservation as opposed to storage. Canning, meat curing, fermented milks, pickling, spices, soybean products, brewing, vintning, etc.
Miscellaneous Links
Processing Meat in the Home
The consumer who wishes to process meat products in the home should be familiar with both federal (Food Safety and Quality Service of the USDA) and state (Minnesota Department of Agriculture) meat processing rules and regulations.
Gabi's Kuche
Sample Gabi's real German recipes!
Salt Curing Meat
Information on curing meat by using a salt brine. This was a widely used method of preserving meat before the days of refrigeration.
Cooking Links
Various cooking links, from breadmaking to Middle East recipes.
Focus on Lamb
The following information answers many questions callers have asked the USDA Hotline about lamb.
Food Preservatives
A look at the FDA's information on common food preservatives.
Food Additives
A look at the FDA's information on common food additives.
Food Premarket Approval
Consumer information on food additives and premarket approval.
Food Labeling
FDA information on food labeling and nutrition.
Listing of Cured Meats
A listing of the various types of cured meats from the Cooks Thesaurus
Little Chief Brand Smokers
Your own "old-fashioned country style" smoked fish...bacon or ham...jerky...pheasent or duck, is easily
and economically achieved with these Electric Smokehouses
Fundamentals of Meat Curing
Curing information from Texas A&M
FDA Consumer Information
Obtain free food label information.
FDA Food Labeling Information
Learn all about the FDA's food labeling requirements.
Indiana State Meatlab Links
An assortment of food and food science related links.
Food Label Information
A detailed discussion of food labeling requirements
Meat Packers and Producers
American Meat Institute member links
Heart Healthy Cooking
How to alter recipes to make them healthier by reducing sugars and fats
Dan Gill's BBQ Survival Guide.
Learn how to make charcoal, make 'Q, learn about equipment and get some great recipes!
Metric to English Units Conversion
World's Best Hot Dogs
A list of the best places to grab a frank! Hope you have a place close by!
BBQ Pits By Klose
Visit David Klose's unique page describing his custom built BBQ pits.
20mm Hotbox Inc Recipes
Recipes and tips from the makers of the Ammo Can Stove
Luhr Jensen Online
Little Chief brand smokers' Guide to Home Curing and Smoking House Cooking
Grilling and Smoking Techniques
A collection af various smoking and grilling techniques covering brisket, ham, ribs, oysters and other foods, provided by W. W. Wood.
Chef Desk
A Chef's Virtual Secretary. Tips, tools and professional resources for the foodservice professional
Friends and Special Places
Large Scale On Line
The Who's Who of large scale railroad modeling!
Laurie's site. My friend and inspiration!
If you are into Goth stuff then goto The Life and Times of Anne Gwish
For Feasts and Festivals and Medieval Recipes
SpaceBeagle, Great MIDI Tunes and Ram
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