My father served at Selman Field in W.W. II, in the 96th Navigational
Training Squadron. His name was Leo Carnell Tripp. I have many letters
and post cards he wrote my mom during his assignment there. I have pictures in
his uniform also, and his "annual" with his picture in it. As far as I know, he
never ranked above Private, as he only served for about a year before being
discharged honorably due to family hardship. He was an airplane mechanic. Though
he has passed on (Oct. 11, 2003) I would love to receive information from
those who might have served with him. He was a very tall man and had a winning
smile and wonderful temperament. I also had uncles...last name McGough...who
served there at Selman field also at the same time. If anyone has knowlege or
recollections of them, I'd love to hear from them. Thanks so much for honoring these brave men who defended the country I love. Linda T. Fulenwider
If you have anything to share with Linda, here is her email address:

A Short History of the School

A work in progress...updated through February of 1943

a Selman Field alumni. Enjoy his inspiring stories and information about Navigation during WWII.

by Horace Turell, Selman Field alumni. Enjoy his wonderful stories and information about Navigation during WWII.

Read the Book! The Memories of Horace Turell

Articles from the "Log of Navigation" Magazine

Commanders and former Cadets or Instructors

Email addresses of former Selman Field students.
Take a may find an old class-mate!

Pre-Flight, Advanced Training, Aircraft & Instruments used by the Navigator

Women in the Service; WASP, WAC, and WAVE, Reproduction, other Permanent Staff

Photos of the Base
The Hospital, Churches, and Joe Grope

Football, Baseball, and Boxing

The USO, and other volunteer services
*Note: The link above has a lot of pictures, is slow to load, please be patient.

Weddings and other Social functions

Also contains links to help you search for WWII Veterans.
If you would like to have a banner to link to this page...please help yourself to the one below.

Links to the City of Monroe, Louisiana
Questions or always welcomed!

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