Jonny Lang Blues Café Band Page

On this page I have the members of The Jonny Lang Band. Sorry there is not alot of information here, but I'm going to try to contact Jonny and the guys for more info!

Paul Diethlem

Paul is the rythmn guitarist in The Jonny Lang Band. If you were fourtunate enough to see the Jonny Disney special, you know that he is the clown of the group! :) I was fortunate enough to meet him this past winter, and he is a nice guy!

Billy Thommes

Billy is the drummer in The Jonny Lang Band. I also met Billy before and he was kind enough to stop and chat with us for awhile!

Bruce McCabe

Bruce is the pianst of The Jonny Lang Band. I wasn't able to talk with him before, but I do know he has nice cowboy boots just like mine! He also wrote some songs from "Lie To Me," such as "Lie To Me" and "Darker Side."

Doug Nelson

Doug is the bassist in The Jonny Lang Band. He is a very talented bass guitar player, as you know if you have seen him live with Jonny!
