Hi! I want to know who's been visiting so tell me who you are.

Tina Reis - 09/11/98 17:12:41
My Email:creis@law.capital.edu
Where are you from?: Columbus

Just surfing and found you!!! Love the page--brings back OU memories.

Heather Larrabee - 08/27/98 01:02:07
My URL:http://www.zyworld.com/hdl22/Drumline.htm
My Email:coral@citynet.net
Where are you from?: Marietta, OH

My page is better than your's! Just kidding. Nice page-- it's actual html unlike mine~ hehe.

michelle Smith - 08/25/98 15:15:39
My Email:pookiesmith@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Marietta,OH

shutpu dork

Linda,Patty,Diane - 06/30/98 22:41:04
My Email:linda_sigman@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: outerspace

Hey, Chris, Great Job! We loved your pages! Especially "Genesis".

Tina Reis - 06/15/98 20:11:08
My Email:scottsbp@bright.net
Where are you from?: Tiffin, OH

Hi Chris, just wanted to check it out. Tina

Devon aka pkupgrl - 05/26/98 01:16:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/DevieAnn
My Email:pkupgrl@mailexcite.com
Where are you from?: Oz (Hehehe)

Kewl page, Chris! Just returnin' the favor! Talk to ya (maybe see ya!) soon! Much luv, :)Devon:)

Sighombre aka Andy Sigman - 05/13/98 18:20:00
My Email:andy_sigman@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Coolville

Smack: We need to get started on a home for the Waterford "Wildcat Pride" Band. We can put our pictures in it: hard at work at band camp, giving kids laps, sitting in the shade, Todd imitations, Band Director quotes and actions, etc.

Jon - 03/17/98 09:07:39
My Email:m.jon@mailexcite.com
Where are you from?: Los Angeles, CA, USA


Jordan - 03/10/98 20:50:28
My URL:/SoHo/Lofts/8918
My Email:yardtools@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Born on L.I., live in VA.

It's good to encounter another music major. I'm a composition major...you should check out my site if you like music....and pseudo philosophy!

prettywoman - 03/06/98 06:05:56
My Email:agpw@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada

Hey.. Chris, I think I signed your book before, but that's cool... I'll just do it again..!! Great work...!! Ashly

Scott Stanley - 02/20/98 19:03:48
My Email:vbach2@juno.com
Where are you from?: just down the street

yaz, what's up. Nice web page.

Sarah - 02/04/98 21:55:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/Curllyqforever/index.html
My Email:curllyq@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: MICHIGAN

Cool page! Come sign my gb too!!

Steph - 02/01/98 03:01:29
My Email:samrine@bw.edu
Where are you from?: Baldwin-Wallace College

Hey, smile fucker! Great page! Just waiting for a visit now! Love, Steph

Kerry Conners - 01/28/98 21:38:29
My Email:kconners@bw.edu
Where are you from?: pittsburgh, pa

Chris - Nice page. Love the moustache! :) Steph's friend, Kerry

Adara Lish - 01/27/98 01:08:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/ABBEYROAD/index.html
My Email:lishad@pacificu.edu
Where are you from?: Idaho/Oregon

This is a really cool page =)....and thanks for visiting mine!!! *smile*

Buddy - 01/23/98 15:53:57
My Email:jodygeol@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: SC!!!!

Fuck the O Bucks!! Fuck the Tarheels!

Colin Keefe - 01/09/98 04:49:58
My URL:http://surf.to/gjhs-drumline
My Email:Colando@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Grand Junction, CO

Hey yo, I like the page eh. especially the led zepplin backround on the music page! That is really cool! This page had a lot of cool visual stuff. It does take a long time to load but i guess its worth it since it looks so cool!!!

Gary Gilbert - 01/06/98 22:49:55
My Email:puff.daddy_bad.boy@mailexcite.com
Where are you from?: brookville indiana

macintosh does not suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leslie - 01/03/98 23:09:11
My Email:mpeters@cub.kcnet.org
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania

Cool page hon....as always GO Ohio U!!!

Cygnus - 12/31/97 09:13:07
My Email:jtaylorjam@shelby.net
Where are you from?: nc

Enjoyed chatting with you in Alamak about Rush. Good luck with the band!

Holli - 12/22/97 21:28:15
My Email:holli@telepath.com
Where are you from?: Oklahoma but orginally Texas

I thought your web page was cool and your pics adorable. I'm assuming you are single. How do you feel about older women?

chuck - 12/21/97 01:50:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com
My Email:crunner@bright.net
Where are you from?: versailles ohio

cool page

Rhythms - 12/19/97 06:25:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/6954/
My Email:rsb19@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Fort McMurray, Alberta. (Canada)

Nice page you got here! I gotta see Titanic! Should be good!

Jose` Frank - 12/17/97 05:36:11
My Email:jose95@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Kent State

LOW BRASS!! Proving wood doesn't belong on the field. Hi i'm a brother of KKPsi, BPsi, Kent State Marching Golden Flashes.

underwaterLUV - (NICOLE) - 12/15/97 08:53:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/3071/
My Email:underwaterluv@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: AUSTRALIA

Hey Chris! Well, it's good to know that this is your first attempt at a homepage, same as me! It's pretty good - better than mine! Well, I told you I'd sign ya guestbook and now I have to get back to ALAMAK before I time out! (if I do it's YOUR fault! *LOL*. Okay then, catch ya later. BYEEEEEE!

Booger aka Andy Miller - 10/27/97 01:22:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/7892/
My Email:booger@indstate.edu
Where are you from?: The Haute, IN, in sunny Province 5

You kick ass sir. See you in Boston, I hope or maybe on Nov. 22nd?

Jeremy Grosklos - 09/22/97 20:56:39
My Email:solksorg@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ohio !

Great page DUDE !! It rocks... I've heard of you somwhere I'm not sure where.. they said you were a real dork, but by looking at your page I beg to differ ! Love to hear from you !

Lee Gillilan - 09/07/97 23:44:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/3169
My Email:elonalee@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Pomeroy, OHIO

Yeah Ya Sax21, My name Is Lee I work with your mom. I don't know if she talks about me or not, but she told me to come here to see your page.. I like what I see so far.. Good luck with the rest... Party on.. ohh did i say that.. Sorry Margret heheheheh.

The Real Gina - 09/05/97 07:59:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/8445/
My Email:ghilborne@magic.stanmore.ac.uk
Where are you from?: London, UK

Hi Chris! Cool page - liked the big pictures! Take care - I'll leave you with a photo....


Ryan Pratt - 09/02/97 22:14:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/beatlespage/
My Email:phantomdeopera@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: ohio

you need a cool background!

Dustin Grovemiller - 08/01/97 12:48:43 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/1665/
My Email:grovemiller@earthling.net
Where are you from?: Columbus, OH

Glad you liked our page! (I see you wasted no time in copying those graphics ;) ) I made most of them with Photoshop and animated them with "GifBuilder." Both of which are available only on a Mac! -Once, Always, and Long Live

Nicole Lorene De Jean - 07/27/97 03:32:14 GMT
My Email:ursad@telis.org
Where are you from?: Lake Tahoe, CA

Long Live Scotch tape!

Kanasta - 07/23/97 21:20:07 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/KanastasDomain/
My Email:kanasta@wwdg.com
Where are you from?: BC CANADA

kool page. maybe I'll run into you on alamak... later... check out my page, I'm in Music at the University of Victoria

Jon Moore - 07/23/97 17:06:24 GMT
My Email:jm898496@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Where are you from?: Chillicothe, OH

Chris I haven't tried all the links yet, but the page looks pretty darn good. Keep up the good work Hail "Jaun Moore" (beer that is)

chuck - 07/21/97 22:27:16 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/chuckspage1/index.html
My Email:crunner@bright.net
Where are you from?: versailles ohio

hey, Sonja said you might be able to help me with my page, well you have a cool page, and dont party to much. i know some people who go to OU

chap - 07/21/97 10:49:47 GMT
My URL:http://lynx.neu.edu/home/httpd/j/jmaziarz/kchapman/ledzep_trading.htm
My Email:kchapman@micro-net.com

great zeppelin page,checkout my zeppelin trading page.

Cascade - 07/20/97 05:18:36 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/8983
My Email:knightbeast@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Calgary

Hey man nice page!

Megan Brady - 07/15/97 04:24:40 GMT
My Email:mlbrady@odin.cmp.ilstu.edu
Where are you from?: Bourbonnais, IL


Don Day - 07/14/97 21:28:28 GMT
My Email:jediOU110@aol.com
Where are you from?: Cleveland Ohio

Awesome page. You need an Indians link though.

prettywoman - 07/14/97 05:28:43 GMT
My Email:agpw@ican.net
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada

Well, well,... Mr. Sax21.... Very ...COOL home page..!! You have done a super job, and keep up the great work.... Oh, by the way... How did you say it was best to start and restock a fish ...pond..?!!

david godkin - 07/14/97 04:50:20 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/ClassicDirectory/inderx.html
My Email:Classi_c@ otmail.com
Where are you from?: canada

cool page ,,,,,,,not bad for your first one

James W. Johnson - 07/07/97 12:35:34 GMT
My URL:http://muskingum.edu/~jjohnson/home.html
My Email:jjohnson@muskingum.edu
Wh re are you from?: The Plains, OH

Whoa! Another music geek that thinks he knows something about computers! HA! Good page, keep going, On and Ever Upward! Jim

Terri - 07/07/97 05:54:04 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/adlib/
My Email:mata@pnc.com.au
Where are you from?: Sydney, Austr lia

Great page.

smack - 07/07/97 00:11:48 GMT

i cant email you till tomorrow but you can email me so dont sign the g-book(unless its hilarious). did you check out the little "Beer is my life" picture? Its animated!! your page takes foreve to load after you add something new to it!!! also i changed the bud girls picture-check it out!

T-Grate - 07/06/97 21:49:47 GMT

LOok at my page now, its getting better!! i cant email anyone back until i get those numbers which will be tommorow!!!

- 07/04/97 22:13:47 GMT


Fly - 07/03/97 18:31:29 GMT
My URL:http://eurekanet.com/~fly
My Email:fly@eurekanet.com
Where are you from?: Valhalla

Comments:Hey Smack! Nice page, after the 4 and a half days it takes to load up!

Kimberley Ishii - 07/03/97 04:12:53 GMT
My Email:kishii@lynx.bc.ca
Where are you from?: B.C. Canada

I enjoyed your homepage do you know where I can get one started to?

nunie - 07/03/97 04:02:13 GMT
My Email:nunie@ameritech.net
Where are you from?: Illinois

So far great from what I saw.

Michelle - 07/01/97 19:38:25 GMT
My Email:sand@together.net
Where are you from?: Vermont

Well, here I am signing your guestbook. I never sign these things. Your age is cool...I didn't know you were so into music. Anyway...email me!! Michelle(18)

Aleksander (Loko) Kirkhus - 07/01/97 04:15:29 GMT
My Email:lkirkhus@online.no
Where are you from?: NOrway


Christy Mink - 06/30/97 22:03:10 GMT
Where are you from?: Mt. Vernon, Kentucky


Smack - 06/30/97 20:04:46 GMT
My Email:smack@this.com
Where are you from?: athens, ohio

SMACKDOM RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ask sax21, he's a fellow sma ker!!!

POOKIE - 06/30/97 18:25:25 GMT
My URL:http://I DUNNO
My Email:pookieis123@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Price,Utah

ey boyz!!!!!!!!!!!e-mail me [smiles]

Rion - 06/29/97 17:15:30 GMT
My Email:rs200596
Where are you from?: Hebron, Oh

What's up SMACK!! Cool page! It's lookin' good!

Travis Grate - 06/29/97 08:23:49 GMT
My Email:tgrate@eurekanet.com
Where are you from?: Middleport, Ohio

I am the KING of SMACK,SMACKdom rules forever!!!

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