Cartoon Network
One of my favorite things to do is watch CARTOONS!!! I love 'em! Now I hope that you too will enjoy my love of cartoons by visiting these wonderful sites. So get ready, for some cartoons about four lovable eight year olds, a boy that changes into a girl at the touch of water, some really unproportional sailors, cute useless items, and one honey lovin' bear!
South Park
Ranma 1/2
Ranma 1/2 World
--If you haven't watched this show don't know what you're missing!!Ranma 1/2
--It's the best and funniest Japanimation I have ever seen!Ranma 1/2 : The Jumbled Pages
Ranma's Webpage
Winnie the Pooh Home Page
--Who else, but DISNEY!The Pooh Pages
--I love Winnie the Pooh!!!The Page @ Pooh Corner
--Isn't Pooh Bear cute?Winnie the Pooh
--I just don't like Tigger!!!Sanrio
--I swear, I waste so much money in these stores, it's pathetic!!!Lambs, Sanrio and Other Things
Sanrio Madness
Lysette's Sanrio Galaxy
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon Forever
Sailor Moon FUN House
Castle in the Sky - Sailor Moon
In General
The Iron Giant
--This is the new feature length cartoon in which Harry is a voice for a character!Cartoon Network
Unofficial Pinky & the Brain, Anamaniacs, & Good Feathers Page
--They're Pinky, they're Pinky and the Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain!!!Marvin the Martian Central
--This little Martian is so cute and funny!!!Warner Bros. Studio Store
Powerpuff Girls
Bukujutsu : The Ultimate Source for Dragon Ball
--I loved this show when I was younger and I STILL do!!X-Men
--I think this the best comic book series EVER!!!Daf's House O' Toons
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