It Had to Be Vu
Hola, and welcome to my wonderful, newly redesigned homepage with the same old crap, but a "Posh" new look. So buckle up and embark on another leg of adventure in my kooky and shagarific world.
Today's Specials:
The Crème de la Crème: Links to the best pages on the Net…Oooh La La!
Catch of the Day: Harry Connick Jr. ("Yeah, BABY!")
Some cartoons to brighten up your day.
Plus, some Lagniappe! Sites that tell you a 'lil something extra about my fabulous hometown, the sights and sounds of N'Awlins, LA.
And for a little after dinner entertainment, play Six Degrees of Harry Connick, Jr.: A game that puts a new twist on an old favorite.
So sit back and relax while the dining room proudly presents your dinner…"Be my guest, Be my guest, Put my homepage to the test…"
Bon Apetit!
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Last Revised: 26 July 1999
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