Dying Young
Death Knows No Age

I have included here a listing of just a few of the youthful residents of Green Hill. A sad reminder that Death is indiscriminant.

Mary Elizabeth Long
Mar.18,1908-Dec.24,1908Arthur A. Anthony, Jr.
Nov.3-14,1910Daisy M. Brame
1932-1932Taylor Van Perkins
Oct.11,1994-Dec.18,1994Lolita Adele Apple
Feb.23,1923-Nov.10,1925Cockman Family
Glenie Talmage--Apr.14,1918-Apr.8,1921
Andrew Winfred--June 5,1924-Aug.5,1925
INFANT SON--Sept.5,1933Marianne Glyn Crawford
May 1-3,1943Hutton Family
Edward Williamson--Dec.14,1910-Oct.30,1911
Josephine--Aug,15,1905-July 22,1906
SON OF--Apr.6-May 3,1893
Josephine Louise Crews--Dec.4,1933-Apr.2,1934
Erma A. Kilrain
June 21,1915-Sept.2,1916Riggs Family
James A.--June 1,1915-Feb. 15,1917
Mary Irene--June 4,1913-Feb. 22,1917
"Little George" Hall
Dec. 6,1916-May 4,1917Evlin Smith
May 13,1917-Feb. 24,1918
Minnie Bryce Hartsell
March 25,1872-April 8,1874George R. Lewis
June 17-Sept. 20, 1923