Amateur Radio Station AG5T KH1 - Howland/Baker Island, KH7K - Kure Island, KH5 Palmyra Island, KP5 Desecheo Island, YV0 Aves Island and many more - to be added here. I have not worked about 107 dx countries and I have about 35 that I need to send qsl cards for.
One of my hobbies is amateur radio. My call
sign is AG5T.
I have a modest station with a five-band gemquad antenna at 34 feet on a two-section crank-up tower. I use the gemquad for 20-17-15-12-10 meters. I have a delta loop for 40 meters and a Marconi inverted L for 75 meters. I sometimes get on PSK31 and would like to get more into CW and RTTY by keyboard. My main interest in ham radio is working DX. I have almost 175 countries confirmed.
DX "Countries" I Still Need
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