The BLAISE coat of arms is: "D'azur a deux cles d'arg., passees en saut., les pannetons en bas." In English: "Blue: two silver keys, placed crosswise, the key bits downward."
is the Web Site of
Martin G. (Marty) BLAISE
Hello and welcome to the BLAISE page. My name is Marty Blaise.
This web site is designed to tell you about the BLAISE family. Many of the
BLAISEs still live in the New Orleans, Louisiana area.
Joseph Blaise, my great-great grandfather, moved to New Orleans from France
in the 1800s. He moved to the U.S.
from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France.
Is your last name BLAISE? This is not a common name, so maybe we are related.
Tell me about your BLAISE ancestors. Do you speak French? I am looking for
someone to help with translating BLAISE records prior to 1800. These records
were in French, German and Latin.
Now, more about the BLAISE family:
The Blaise genealogy is a family project.
Since my father passed away on January 25, 1999, I have continued researching
our family as well BLAISE depression glass era plates. Several years ago my
father's BLAISE family genealogy book was published. It is constantly being
updated. My dad also put together a genealogy book for the ZAHN family, on my
late mother's side.
Click here
to read about 8 generations of the BLAISE family. Click here
for genealogy links.
My other hobbies and interests are listed below. Click on something
below in the table!
I work for the Houston Department of Health and Human
Services and maintain its web site.
Click here for the
Houston Department of Health and Human Services web site.
Get a free home page at GeoCities.
for Animated
You can
reach me by
at: mailto:theblaisepage@yahoo.com
Remember, if your last name is BLAISE, I want to hear from you.