My Friends Little Homes on the Web
Okay *S* here it is by popular friends little
pieces of cyber space. I'm sure I'll be adding more to this page
all the time as it seems EVERYONE is building them now. Please
know that these are not in any specific order....just the order I
wrote em down in. Enjoy looking at these pages....and do me a
favor...if one has a guestbook...please sign it let them know you
were there *S* enjoy.....

*G* he made me do it *HUGS* but that's okay
- Mac's wonderful lil world....
waltr-My Big Brother's Page *HUGS*
Thunder Tx- *S* what can I say....youre the best hon...................*POUNCE* *G*
Knight Errant- a true and forever *HUGS*
Snakeskin Boots and lil bit-Their home on the web
bright Eyes - my lil sis *S*
Blackey -A GREAT place to find midi files *S*
careful-*HUGS* one of my oldest and dearest friends here *S*
Denim & Pearls- what a sweetheart and a great friend *HUGS*
The Dark Loser-His spooky little world *L* *S*
little 1-Good luck in everything hon *HUGS*
rosen -A great friend *S*
Wranglers- WOW what a grin *WG*
Mal's Mess- Im so glad we are back together causin trouble *G*
Legs- I love ya hon *HUGS*
My mile high knight in ShiningArmor *S*
Wild Hart- a great new way to chat
M@xx's Place- *HUGS* you are a wonderful friend and I love you for it *GBS*
Lady Wild Cat-Her home *S*
Lady In Blue- Who's favorite color is NOT pink *L*
SnoBunE- uh oh here comes *T*R*O*U*B*L*E* *LOL*
Silver's Home *S*

V&B Productions *S* (M@xx's business)
Azeem-a really sweet guy with a great smile *HUGS*

Okay thats all the hp addys I have at this point....if youd like
a link from my page...just tell me and I'll be happy to put ya on
here *S* now for a couple other sites.......

OTHER home away from home - the Chathouse I can usually be found
in the Wagon Wheel Bar under either
A sincere and poetic thought (click on the pic silly *G*)
Emerald Eyed Enchantress,
(seems the angel has stepped out to find a little home of her own *G*). Come see me and say hi *S*
Wanna send
flowers and a song- *S* this place is great....

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