Okay...this page is all about J.P. He was born on June 1st
1993 at 8:47 am He was a whoppin 9 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long....
and cute as a button *S* still is if ya ask me...but hey I'm
biased I'm his mommy *G*

*S* isn't he sweet?

*S* this is my cool baby at an adorable 3 months old or so....he loved the glasses *S* even left em alone.....

*S* these two were taken roughly around the same could you not love a face like that? *G*

*S* this is him last Halloween.....that boy LOVES his M&M's *S*
Okay that's it for now....but as I said...keep checkin back I'll be addin more all the time...I hope you enjoyed sharing these precious moments of mine *S* take care now.....
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