she slips in silently
a large box cradled within her capable hands
with an almost feline grace...she makes her way to the countertop
carefully...she slides the box to the counter
so that she may unpack the treasures that lay within
the first treasure pulled from the depths of the box
a special brass coffee pot and six small cups
each item polished to a soft subtle glow
and placed upon the smooth counter

pulled from within the depths of the box...
the next few items...
a bag of freshly roasted still warm Turkish beans

a large brass grinder...

and next a few spices...

and saffron...

finally from the shadowed depths of the now almost empty box
she pulls a delicate object...
wrapped in the finest of tissue thin paper...slowly she begins to unravel it
the small decanter....emerging from the protective covering...
a smile gracing gentle features...as the small bottle of rosewater is eased to the counter

the box removed and discarded....
she fills the grinder with the still warm beans
and grinds them....to a fine powder.....finer...than beans ground even for...espresso
carefully...she fills the small brass pot with 2 cups of water
not just any cup...but the finjan...the style cup that lay upon the counter in wait
to be filled with the exotic brew
the fine powder of the aroumatic grounds...
measured carefully into the pot before the heat is turned up
carefully...she watches the pot come to a boil....three times
the soft subtle scents of the saffron and cardamom swirling in the air
as the pot is removed and the rather dainty cup is filled
slender fingers curl around the delicate decanter of rose water...
the brew left...with the merest hint
gentle eyes close...as the fragrance is inhaled deeply
before her fingers wrap carefully around the small brass finjan
cradled within her protective grasp...she weaves her way across the room
slender bare feet making nary a sound on the smooth stone floor
long legs fold into a graceful kneel
the small cradled cup lifted within Your reach
her voice a breathy whisper...as it lifts to Your ears alone
Sadist ic One...i have spent the day tracking down
each and every piece of what lay before You today
from the della to the finjan to the small decanter of rosewater
determined to learn to make something i know You enjoy ~smiles softly~
i hope that my efforts to learn what pleases You
have brought a smile to Your face...one that reaches...deeper than even the eyes
i am in hopes...that what i have put together for You here
will please You...to the very depths....for it is a gift from my heart