My Friends
I have made so many wonderful friends on the net.....I'm going to
try really hard to list all of them....if I've forgotten anyone...
please feel free to let me know...I'd hate to think that anyone
of my friends were left out....each and everyone of them has
brought a special gift into my life and I am greatful to one and
all for them.
Okay for all of you who have your own HP's...never fear I will
include them on another page eventually....that is....*G* if you
all send me links to them *G* this is just a rough run down of
the many people that have touched my life in some way or another
so if for some reason I have forgotten anyone...PLEASE feel free
to give me hell about it *S*
Recently a whole new crowd has once again filled the West Wing.....most of these people are so wonderful that it is hard to say enough about them *S* but I will give it a shot....I decided not to take down my old friends list...tho I havent talked to most of these people in a very long time....they are still my friends *L* just non-practising ones if you guys if y'all are out there.....I miss you.....*S*
Texas Cowboy.....and you *HUGS* you have turned out to be such a wonderful friend....thank you to hon *S*
~MM~ *hugs* G/F....thank you for bein there for me when i really needed you.....
Dmjou(m)- hon you are a nut *L* but I love ya....
barefacts/Northern Gentleman- *S* we have been friends for a long long time....*LOL* whoops....thats a song....anyway we have....and I truly treasure our friendship*hugs*
juniper *lobs a none at juni* my none tennis partner *L* love you g/f *HUGS*
Oilpatch Cowboy- a special hug n kiss for you for all the reasons you know and then all the reasons you and I have been through so very much through the past year....we have laughed...we have cried...we have loved and we have hurt...and yet here we are will always hold such a very special place in my heart and my soul for a piece of each belongs to you.....I will always love you....from now until the end of heart will go on...
BlackcroW- *G* how could i NOT love a guy who does his handle like mine (i.e BreathlesS....BlackcroW) *L* a real sweetheart with a heart of gold....always a hug, kiss and a rose for me....take care darlin *smooch*
Tb3579- one who is most dear to me and will ALWAYS hold a very special place in my heart *hugs n kisses*
Rondo a.k.a. Kid Curry a.k.a. Umbro a.k.a Josie Wales *G*- *big ol mushy lipstick kisses cause I know you love em SOOOOOOOOO much* * hummin a lil tune.....darlin come here....* *G* this is my bestestestesteststest friend in the whole wide world......I cant begin to thank him enough for the hours we have spent talking together here and in powwow *god this guy LOVES the wav files...."So tell me you love me...please please please aww tell me tell me TELL ME!!!"* and no one would believe it but Ill tell y'all anyway *G* he is probably one of the sweetest people I have ever met here....he will ALWAYS be very special to me....this ones for you hon *bisoux partout plein de amour* *S* psssssst *G* see that purdy handle...I made that *G*
ROUGH@READY-always has a friendly hug n kiss for me *S* take care darlin....youre a special one *hug n kiss*
SKOAL COWBOY- One of my very best friends in the WW has taken a bit of time to get to know him and see him for what he really is.....A kind, understanding, very sweet (shhhhh dont tell him i said he was sweet hell never forgive me *G*) man with the superb talent for making me laugh and smile...he has become very dear to me and he knows it...oh yeah *G* and he can sing....*BIG HUGS N KISSES*
Knight Errant- A dear person who is ALWAYS a gentleman....*HUGS n K'sOTC*
COWBOY X- *HUGS* This is the guy responsible for the beautiful BreathlesS gif on my front page *HUGE HUGS* thanx again hon...
Malana- The only other person I know who's number of handles rivals my own *L*
a SPECIAL *SLURP* for one of my other good friends Night Wolf
emerald eyes- My slower Delaware friend *HUGS*
CountryCowgirl- A real sweetie *HUGS*
Wranglers- *WG* wow...what can I say....
lilkuss- Where the hell are you??? *L*
Rugged Pull- *hooks her foot behind the leg of his chair and gives a little YANK*
rosencrantz & Dorian Grey- *L* My intended and his wife *LMAO*
Snakeskin Boots & lil bit- Truely the cutest couple on the net *S*
little 1- My sis *HUGS*
The Dark Loser- *L* Im not EVEN gonna go there....*L*
M@xx- One of my bestest friends here *HUGS*
Legs- A woman with deadly aim *HUGS* *L*
waltr- My big brother *HUGE HUGS N KISSES* I love ya hon *S*
bright Eyes- My LITTLE sis *HUGS*
Horsetheif- My HUNG friend *ROTFLMAO* you always did say I was tacky hon *G*
Dr.Sardonic- Best bartender in the WW *HUGS*
MacLuvR- *cinnamon hugs n kisses*
kalli- *HUGS* a real doll *S*
KQ- *L* You are WAY too much fun girl *hugs* (and might I also mention the OWNER of the Wagon Wheel *S*)
ShiningArmor- My long ago best friend who I think has since forgotten me....
Kazwell- *L* what can I say Kaz *HUGS* nuthin...thats what *LOL*
immzeus- Hmmmmmm nahhh *S* I'll be nice...
Gravedigger- *S* I think I'll leave it at that...
Trollslayer- *HUGS* You are a good friend hon *S*
Tiana2- Where the hell are YOU too?? *LOL*
careful & Phil- *HUGS* Good luck you two *S* recently in the Wagon Wheel....a whole new group of people have become the "regulars" so Id like to take this oppertunity to acknowledge some of the new friends I have made *BS*
Okalahoma Angel, kandikane, Passion, QTPIE, Pure Texan, Kick It Up, Lonely Cowboy, 350(always SOMETHIN or another *G*)Filly, Butterfly~Kisses, ALL AROUND COWBOY, sysky, playfulgirl, Sundancer, and a whole bunch more that Im sure Im forgettin cause its so early in the morning *G*
I know that there are tons if Ive forgotten anyone.....
like I said please let me know *S*
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