Happy Birthday ~pretty one~-R
when i sat down...to figure out what to give to you for your birthday i found myself at a loss ~smiles softly~
what do you give one....who has become such an important part of your life?
one who has...
through what was not an easy time for either of us...
become one of my most cherished friends...
one who is gentle...and kind....funny..smart...witty and sweet?
one who comforts and consoles....
who helps me through...the most difficult of times....
how do you thank...such a person?
~shakin her head and smilin a bit~
nothing....seems adequate enough to show you....
how much you are truly....loved and appreciated...
how lost...i would be without your friendship...
i am so limited....here in this...virtual world...
with the gifts i can give....
and none....measure up to....how dear i hold you to my heart....
so this is what i leave for you pretty one.....
know...that in my heart....i wish it could be...so much more...
~noddin softly...and leaving you with hugs and kisses~

You were there for me
Words escape me
at this moment
that seems like the end
yet it is only the beginning
when friendships are close
and dreams are far
you were there for me.
Tears fill me
with memories of both good and bad
some nearly forgetton
yet all dear to the heart
you were there for me.
In times of trouble
and in times of thanks
you stood by my side
and held me up.
Through your ever-patient ears
to your comforting hugs
you were there for me.
From that first day
when I saw you and knew
that you would love me for who I was
you were there for me.
And until the day
when we are old and gray
I will always know that
you are there for me.
-Erin Porter