Spicey Hot AKA Bette Boop

Welcome!! As you can see I am a Betty Boop Fan and have even been nicknamed after the Original Flapper! Actually I have two nicknames or "handles"... BetteBoop and SpiceyHot. I guess you could say I'm a Georgia Peach who loves that Southern Spicey food!! :-) I'm glad to see that you found your way to my web site and
I hope you find some little something here to enjoy and leave with a smile!... & I hope Ya'll come back again soon!

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I am proud to be a member of...
Things to see... Places to go...

Visit Some of My Friends Pages...
* BB's Midi Music CollectionDon't surf the web without Music!
* BabieBlues Sound Excursion!Wav's...Perfect for PowWow! And, Where is the MAC version POW??
* BB's Html and Javascript Lab Webpage Tips, Tricks, and how to's.
* Roberta's Homepage...A sweet Page for a sweet Lady!
* Chevy's Place ~ Classic Rock Midi Music files~ a great person, too *S*!
* QuadLynx Site Welcome to Roy's World on the Web!
* Cosmo's homepage A Great Person & Happy Cyber Wolf!!!??
* Sharkie's WebSite He says he doesn't bite??
* Schilo's Forgotten Realms The Saga continues...

Well, I'm sorta new at this stuff so keep checking back to see all the goodies as I learn how to put them on my page...Thanks to my friend BabieBlues!!Who made a Webmaster (mistress?) out of me...ready or NOT!! HEY LOOK!!! APicture of us skating together!!....What??! She thinks "I'd" PUSH her??? nah.... **he he he** (*EG*)
And LOOK at this terrific Birthday tribute she and my other friends gave me! Thanks Everyone!! *hugs*

Betty Boop's Web Ring

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Since 5-13-1997
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