I am a CU-SeeMe Addict. My six year long journey through the world of CU-SeeMe began at the school where I taught music to children. I had been using the Internet at home as a resource for my classes, then got introduced to CU via another colleague. In those days I was only CU-ing from school and was known as "David@RCP". (Funny I didn't look like a David) Soon I met lots of interesting people and saw the value of this form of communication for educators. What a great way to introduce students to other cultures and people around the world. Later I bought a camera for at home use, I met even more interesting people.... the good the bad and yeah... the ugly! In 1996, I ended my 16 year teaching career and took my creative talents and computer skills with me to open an Internet Cafe in Portland, Oregon. My cafe was called JavaJae's@Cafe. (I'll have to tell you about that adventure on another page). I've also listed on this page links that will be helpful to new CU-ers or, addicts who haven't discovered some of the helpful gems available to those using CU. -Jae
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