Hey I no what your thinkin !!! How difficult can that be ??? *LMAO* Are you in for a shock. The main thing is to have a laugh along the way and never ever give up !!!
Okay start satisfying your curiosty Visit my Homepage......( Hey you've achieved your first mission !!! ) Sign my Guestbook And your main mission - To find my pic "As always should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed the secretary will disavow any knowlege of your actions - Good Luck" Code Sequence - IQ:Handsome:34"Yeah I Know, You came here hoping to find out all about me right ??? Where I Live, How Old I Am, What I Look Like, Am I Single or Married, Do I Have Children, What Do I Do, What Do I Like In Life, etc etc...
Well Hey, When I look at your homepage - thats what I'm lookin for, plus great links, gifs and all those other things that make a homepage interesting.
Well I have all those things on my H/P but you just gotta find them,
Every-One, (Well) nearly every-one always wants to see what you look like !!! Its the curious nature of us all, I've got a picture - but you gotta find it *LOL*.Your mission - Should you decide to accept it, Is to
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Agent....Dont forget, You must sign da guestbook to complete the mission.
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You can page me on Powwow *smile*
"What You Havent Got Pow - Shame On You"
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Okay Are You Ready Agent ? Click on the cowboys - Ummmmm Hat !
To begin Da Mission !
Hey I said the hat - Sheesh ! ............
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