Brock's Pics
Brock's Pics
Here are a few pictures of my kids. They are a bit out dated but better than nothing. I have a son Thomas John
who turned 4 on 3/21/97. I also have identical twin girls Teresa Michelle & Nicole Rose who turned 2 on 4/2/97.
I have trouble telling which one is which in pictures but I can usually tell in person.
This is the girls at about 8 months. 
Girls chasing each other on the couch.
Another cute one of the girls dressed alike.
Girls just getting up from a nap.
Thomas in Easter outfit.
Teresa at 1 year birthday party.
Nicole at 1 year birthday party.
Thomas with new birthday present.
That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this picture show. I will try and update the pictures as they get older.
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