The New Orleans Cemetery and Voodoo Pages. New Orleans Cemetery and Voodoo in photos and text. Lots of Voodoo and related information. Links to other New Orleans Webstites.

Welcome to the New Orleans Cemetery & Voodoo pages
Updated: Friday, 16 September 2005

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This Web site has information and photographs about New Orleans-style Voodoo and the famous historic cemeteries. I was in New Orleans late Spring and took many new photographs. I've been adding new info almost daily not-so-daily. But I'm to keep adding photos and info between trips. I've added new photos of Holt and Cypress cemeteries and of St. Judes. We've also become an associate of allowing us to offer you quick purchase power for those hard-to-find books about Voodoo and about cemetery architecture. See the Voodoo Bookstore for more information. U P D A T E D S O O N

I've also restructured the site to make finding the photos and info even easier. I've changed the Voodoo page and the cemetery photos page, adding thumbnails to both to make viewing easier. I'm also re-scanning some of the photos to get better resolution. The Cemetery photos, Voodoo Links, and Dark Links pages have been updated. More to come in the next few months.

More new, cool stuff. See the Scriptorium Halloween page for two fonts, Samedi and Veve.

We were also voted a GeoCities Cool Site of the Day for June 1997. We've also been selected for the Geocities AList for July and a Paranormal Pick of the Week in December. The latest is a Passenger's Pick award.

Click any area below to get started.

Color and Black & White photographs of Voodoo-related sites in New Orleans. I have some new photos on the Baron Samedi page, and on the New Orleans Botanica page, both linked to the Voodoo Info area.
Voodoo Info
Information about Voodoo, including it's different ways and how Voodoo relates to other religions. Includes books I've read on the subject w/commentary.
Voodoo Bookstore
The world's best Voodoo Bookstore! Featuring all kinds of books about Voodoo and related religions. I've included my comments on each title. Here's where you can finally find those hard-to-find books about Voodoo.
Voodoo Links
Other information about Voodoo and related religions on the Web. I've included my comments on each site and a description, as appropriate.

Color and Black & White photographs of the major cemeteries with information about them. Check out the new photos of Cypress Lawn and Holt cemeteries.

Other cemetery sites on the Web and cemetery information.
New Orleans Info
Some basic New Orleans info on Voodoo tours, where to go, what to see, and more.
New Orleans Links
The food, music, and travel links bringing you more information about New Orleans.
Dark-themed Links
Links to magick, vampires, and other dark-themed pages.
Send your corrections, suggestions, & comments. You can also add a link here.

Since 25 April 1997, this page has been visited times

You can use the text bar at the bottom of each page to navigate around the site.

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La Prix de la 'Coon Something cool—NOC&V has been awarded La Prix de la 'Coon, awarded to web pages that celebrate Louisiana culture, heritage, and history.

In Association with The New Orleans Cemetery & Voodoo pages have opened a Voodoo Bookstore in association with
See the Boneyard at Scriptorium.

More new, cool stuff. See the Scriptorium Halloween page for two fonts, Samedi and Veve.
Passenger Pick of the Week The NOC&V site has been chosen as one of the Passenger's picks for the week beginning Wednesday, July 1, 1998!
The Passenger is not your average website review. It is a full-fledged pop culture report, and your site has been named because it features literature, graphics, sounds or other forms of content that are life-enhancing, culturally savvy and thoroughly swank.
The Geocities AList—A weekly guide to the best of GeoCities. This award has been replaced by the Landmark program. Hopefully we'll get one of those too!
Key Resource
Congratulations! The New Orleans Cemetery & Voodoo pages has been selected to receive a Links2Go Key Resource award in the Cemeteries topic!

The Links2Go Key Resource award is both exclusive and objective. Fewer than one page in one thousand will ever be selected for inclusion.
Dark Angel Site of the Nite NOC&V has also been selected as a Dark Angel Site of the Night, with special mention made of the cemetery pages.

A GeoCities Featured Page
Because of their high quality content and design, these pages have been chosen to participate in the GeoCities Featured Page Program. This is your one stop source for the best pages GeoCities has to offer.
"The Rev. Thomas Wyckham Jarvis Paranormal Pick of the Week", is given every Monday to a website that merits special recognition for its promotion of the paranormal on the World Wide Web.
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