Rachel - 12/27/00 18:52:27 My Email:r1sttenne@hotmail.com Do you re-enact?: YES If so with whom?: 1st Tennessee co E (UK) Where are you from?: England UK Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: too many to mention ! Would you tell others about this site?: yep sirey ! | Comments: I'm a private of the 1st Tennessee co E over in the United Kingdom ! I would really like to get in contact with fellow re-enactors in th US of A ! I'm 20, and have been re-enacting civil war for 6 years or so now...burnt enough black powder !!! I have to have a huge make over to turn into a guy, it takes a while (beard and all !) but it's well worth it. Please reply...this goes out to all re-enactors ! hope to hear from someone soon ! Rachel |
JD Mayo - 11/30/00 21:32:13 My Email:Medic37thNCT Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: 4th Tennessee vol. company A Where are you from?: NorthWilkesboro N C Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: LEE Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: hay soldiers i am a reenactor my self i am a medic for my group wee are the 4th tennessee company A and thats your federal impression. butt all the guies in my group are in North Carolina . down by wilkes co, and whatuga co. i am allso 17 years old allso well be getting a musket next year . see you on the other side of the greate battlefields of glory . JD Mayo |
Thomas Horn - 10/03/00 03:04:41 My Email:tjhorn@home.com Do you re-enact?: No If so with whom?: N/A Would you be interested in learning more?: Not at this time Where are you from?: KY Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Charles Brandon Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My ggggrandfather,Isaac Head served in Co. D of the 4th TN Cavalry. I would like to know more about this unit and any documents that may pertain to Isaac. |
Robert Bain - 09/14/00 04:22:02 My Email:bobkat2@integrity.com Do you re-enact?: Yes! If so with whom?: 1st Tenn.,Co H Where are you from?: Mt.Pleasant, Tenn Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Ol' Bedford, of course Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: Gonna kill some blue-bellies a Perryville next month. Season's open! |
Mary - 08/22/00 18:04:27 My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/2183/geneology.html My Email:mjp54@excite.com Do you re-enact?: No Where are you from?: Originally Missouri, now reside in Kansas Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: I do not have one favorite Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My great-great grandfather, Jacob M. Cobb, was from Tennessee and fought in the Civil War. I have found info that a fellow by that name joined McLemore's Cavalry E-CO 4th. He was a private. Other than word of mouth from my grandparents, this is all I kn w about him. The info they had was very sketchy. Perhaps someone will read this and recognize the name. My grandfather's mother was Jacob's daughter, her name was Nancy Elizabeth (Cobb) Hamilton, the wife of Henry Levi Henderson Hamilton. They left Tennes ee when my grandfather was just a toddler, around 1890-1892. Thank you for providing this nice site and all you do to keep history alive. |
Mary - 08/22/00 18:02:44 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/2183/geneology.html My Email:mjp54@excite.com Do you re-enact?: No Where are you from?: Originally Missouri, now reside in Kansas Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: I do not have one favorite Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My great-great grandfather, Jacob M. Cobb, was from Tennessee and fought in the Civil War. I have found info that a fellow by that name joined McLemore's Cavalry E-CO 4th. He was a private. Other than word of mouth from my grandparents, this is all I kn w about him. The info they had was very sketchy. Perhaps someone will read this and recognize the name. My grandfather's mother was Jacob's daughter, her name was Nancy Elizabeth (Cobb) Hamilton, the wife of Henry Levi Henderson Hamilton. Thank you for providing this nice site and all you do to keep history alive. |
- 07/24/00 01:51:51 | Comments: |
W.E.Heard - 07/10/00 01:51:51 My Email:WEH297@AOL.COM Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: algood,tenn Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: fesse woodson heard Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Jesse Woodson Heard is my granduncle. alli know is he was in the 4th tennessee cavalry company f. I would appreciate any help or information. thank Edd |
ross taylor - 07/08/00 02:10:58 Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: jonesboro AR Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: GEN.Thomas stonewall jackson Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: I'am completely devoted to the south |
Maj Jefff White - 06/18/00 22:33:13 My Email:jrwhite@hotmail.com Do you re-enact?: not yet If so with whom?: looking Would you be interested in learning more?: definitely Where are you from?: Franklin County, TN Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Nathan Bedford Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: sure | Comments: Great site. I want to attend re-enactments and be active in support of my Confederate heritage. I am a linear descendant of Corporal Stephen F. Roberts, Co, I, 34th TN Inf, and a member of the Cheatham camp of SCV (Camp #72) -- and so have a very personal interest in this business... Jeff White MAJ, USA |
Kevin Greil - 05/30/00 20:58:21 My Email:kgreil@ev1.net Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: 12th Texas Cavalry Where are you from?: Dallas, Tx Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Thomas Jefferson Brown, Murray's Cavalry Would you tell others about this site?: Sure. | Comments: My Great-Great Grandfather fought in Murray's Cavalry, as did two great-great uncles. My great-great grandfather was an undecorated hero at Murfeesboro. He saved the life of Trp. Wm. Hughes. My grandfather told me stories of his grandfather's heroics, but I always thought he was embellishing just a bit. This story, however, was validated by Wm. Hughes great grandaughter some 15-20 years ago. I thank you for not letting these brave men go forgotten. Sincerely, Trp. Kevin Greil 12th Texas Cavalry |
Aubrey Haynes - 05/20/00 15:13:12 My Email:LAHaynesSR@aol.com Do you re-enact?: not yet Would you be interested in learning more?: Yes Where are you from?: Winnsboro SC Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Gen John Bratton Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My Great Grandfather was a Sergent in the 3rd(Lillard's) Tenn. Inf. and later the 3rd Tenn. Mtd Inf. From April '61 to May '65. I have been trying to find out the authanic uniform he would have worn. I can't seem to find anyone who will or can help. Ca you give me some correct info? Also. what dose "provisional" mean? Your assistance would be most appreciated? I am a member of Gen. Bratton Camp 1816, SCV, Fairfield County, South Carolina. |
JD MAYO - 04/24/00 20:56:01 My URL:http://conf. unio My Email:@battledraw.com Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: 37th nct and 4 tenn. union Where are you from?: wilkesboro NC Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: LEE Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: i am a civilwar reenactor i am with the 37th nct com.b and the 4th tenn. (union). i relly injoy reenacting on the battle flieds hope to see you out there waving the flag, medic JD MAYO |
Charles Neeley - 04/16/00 01:28:05 My Email:chneeley@flash.net Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Texas Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Stonewall Jackson Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: Thanks for the page. Quite sure Col. Neeley is a relative. My family was with Madison's (Texas) Brigade (Cavalry) in the Red River Campaign and were one of the last units to surrender under Gen Kirby Smith. |
James Anderson - 03/06/00 16:05:51 My Email:picker86@hotmail.com Do you re-enact?: fuck no Would you be interested in learning more?: eat me Where are you from?: in your ass Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: ulysses s grant Would you tell others about this site?: eat shit | Comments: blow me |
james - 03/06/00 15:55:38 My Email:picker86@hotmail.com Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: bangor, mi Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: general grant Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: this is a very nice site |
Elmore Marlow - 03/06/00 02:27:44 My URL:http://www.scv4.com My Email:marlow616@aol.com Do you re-enact?: Yes If so with whom?: 10th South Carolina Where are you from?: Charleston,S.C. | Comments: |
RODGER A WATSON - 02/19/00 22:41:29 My Email:HILLBILL008@CS.COM Do you re-enact?: NO(I WHANT TO) Would you be interested in learning more?: CERTAINLY Where are you from?: CADIZ,KY Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: ALL CSA Would you tell others about this site?: YES | Comments: I AM VERY INTRESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE CW I HAVE HORSES AND WOULD LIKE TO INVOLVE THEM |
Ted Urbanski - 02/17/00 22:19:11 My Email:tedsuedoghouse@neca.com Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: 4th Tenn. Cav. Co. K , 2nd RI D Co & 2nd Va. Co D Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Willington, Ct 06279 Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: 2nd Lt. Dewitt C. Anderson Co. K 4th Tn. Cav. Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: I am presently studying the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry ubder Baxter Smith. My main person of study was Dewitt Anderson 2nd Lt. Co K.His brother was Lt. Col. Paul Anderson. I role play as Dewitt Anderson when I do living history. you have a great sight. Any nformation on the regiment would be great to view. I am willing to share my research with anyone who is also willing to share. hope to hear from people doing some of the same research. |
Jeff Boyd - 02/15/00 05:29:52 My Email:jboyd@gibsonemc.com Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: Trenton Tn Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: R. E. Lee Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Very good site |
Randy Davis - 02/13/00 20:06:04 My URL:http://ameliaclark.com My Email:glendara@earthlink.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: no Where are you from?: Petal,Ms Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Beauregard Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: I am a writer and collector of civil war military documents.I have recently purchased a document concerning a housing voucher for Lt. R.J.Biggs of the 4th Tennessee Regiment.Dated Jan.20th,1864 at Atlanta by order of Gen.Bragg.This is my first document ab ut the 4th Tennessee and I would appreciate any information you may have about the regiment or Lt. Biggs.Please view our website at www.ameliaclark.com.for a look at what we do.I have an album on cassette and compact disc entitled Authentic Poetry Of The onfederacy.I have revived the famous poetry of the Souths great writers.There are 21 selections each is set to a beautiful background instrumental tune.An example is The Conquered Banner,by Father Ryan,The Jacket Of Gray,by Caroline Augusta Ball,Ode At Ma nolia Cemetary by Henry Timrod to name a few.I am a member of the local S.C.V.camp in Hattiesburg,Ms.The price is incorrect on the album.Cassettes are 12.00 each.The C.D.is 15.00 each.We are new to the internet and would like to be linked to as many relat d sites as possible.Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.I can be reached toll free at 888 316-6447.Thank You! Randy Davis. |
Cpt. R. Lemon - 02/09/00 03:53:29 My Email:rvl53@tir.com Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: $th Mich. Co. A / 4th Tenn. Prov. Army Would you be interested in learning more?: Sure Where are you from?: Southeast Michigan Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Lt. Gen. T. "Stonewall" Jackson Would you tell others about this site?: already have | Comments: I am looking for info on the Provisional Army Regiments of Tennessee, militia units from the Eastern Counties etc. This is a grand site! |
Cpt. R. Lemon - 02/09/00 03:46:22 | Comments: |
- 01/21/00 23:15:37 Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: yeah right Would you be interested in learning more?: yeah right Where are you from?: new jersey Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: col. mustard Would you tell others about this site?: yeah right | Comments: DO you not have anything better to do with your time? Maybe you should use your spell check when creating a web page for all to read. |
b.ponegalek - 01/19/00 17:13:17 My Email:b.ponegalek@eatrhlink.net Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: 5th new york zouave Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: huntington beach, ca Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Sir: I am intersted in information on the 14th. Tenn. Inf. Co. I. At the battle of the second manassas. MY sone to be in-laws had a Pvt. Robert Shannon servied in this Co. He died one day after the battle. Any info will a great help. Thank you b.ponegalek earthlink.net |
Dennis - 12/28/99 02:02:08 My Email:paugh@webtv.net Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Obion Co TN Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: My GGD Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: I have just compared your page with my ggd 2Lt John Sanford Jenkins' (Co E/4thTn Inf) pension application. Matches his story exactly. I am applying for CSA Grave Marker and hope to have it erected in Apr in Hardin Co. |
mike bond - 12/17/99 00:49:37 My Email:mbond12265@aol.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: franklin tenn Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: NBF Would you tell others about this site?: SURE | Comments: |
dejay - 12/01/99 20:53:35 | Comments: |
Conard Murray - 11/13/99 02:02:17 My Email:cmurray@tntech.edu Do you re-enact?: no ... not yet anyway Would you be interested in learning more?: most certainly Where are you from?: Cookeville Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Gen. Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: I am interested in learning more about re-enactment. I have family ties to the Missouri Home Guard, the 29th MO and the 14th Ohio. |
Robert Stevenson - 10/27/99 00:35:20 My Email:rstevenson@optusnet Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Australia Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Gen AP Hill,Pat Cleburne Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: rstevenson@optusnet.com.au |
Last Confederate - 10/26/99 16:44:43 My Email:n/a Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: n/a Would you be interested in learning more?: no Where are you from?: SC Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Nathan Bedford Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: There are not many photographs of the Great Forrest - your frontal view photo is one that I have not seen before - I believe there is a technology for making color photos from b&W photos - it involves making a red, green, and blue negatives and combing th m according to a known color in the photo. I would like to see a Forrest photo made from this process. |
holly and trevor - 10/14/99 15:11:57 My Email:hdoconne@horton.ednet.ns.ca Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: friends Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Wolfville Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: don't know Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: nice. |
- 10/05/99 20:53:40 | Comments: |
Nate Neeley - 09/23/99 03:14:41 My Email:Javaboat@aol.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: New Mexico Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Stonewall Jackson Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Just doing some research on Neeley's in the Civil War. Any info you could provide would be greatly appriciated. Thanks, Nate Neeley |
Ken Neely - 09/22/99 14:09:25 My Email:TNKen@aol.com Where are you from?: Murfreesboro, TN Would you tell others about this site?: Yes already have | Comments: I would like to know more about who Col Neeley was his geneolgy and such or any info that you may have. Thanks Ken Neely |
sgt. ryan faultersack - 09/20/99 13:16:23 Do you re-enact?: yup If so with whom?: 1st va cavalry co a Where are you from?: lancaster pa Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: general robert e lee Would you tell others about this site?: sure | Comments: keep the reenacting alive dont let it die! see yall on the battle field sometime |
C.HUGHES - 08/05/99 15:04:29 My URL:http://the-looney-bin@yahoo.com Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: southern ohio Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: nathan beddford forrest,also my great-grandfather (pearson beatty) who served with the 1st oh vol.calvary co.h,also the 1st oh light artillery co.f (i know,yankees!) Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: i am a yankee by birth but part of my loyalties are fpr the south. my father was born in western va. and my ancestors served in the 1st va. calvary formerally known as the 13th kentucky mounted rifles,i'll always love the south even though all i can do is dream about it. |
C.HUGHES - 08/05/99 15:00:44 My URL:http://the-looney-bin@yahoo.com Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: southern ohio Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: nathan beddford forrest Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: i am a yankee by birth but part of my loyalties are fpr the south. my father was born in western va. and my ancestors served in the 1st va. calvary formerally known as the 13th kentucky mounted rifles,i'll always love the south even though all i can do is dream about it. |
James R. Finley - 06/27/99 00:00:30 My Email:jfinley1@columbus.rr.com Do you re-enact?: No Would you be interested in learning more?: Yes Where are you from?: Dublin, OH Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Strahl Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My gggmother Mary Strahl Anderson was Otho French Strahl's sister. We are interested in as much information on Strahl as we can obtain. |
Cyndi Bonkowski - 06/23/99 22:46:08 My Email:Bonks3@coiinc.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Illinois Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: That's a hard one!! Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Great site!! |
Larry Tanner - 05/17/99 01:39:00 My Email:ltann@webtv.net Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: n/a Where are you from?: Kingston Springs Tn Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: My ancestor who fought Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: I belong to the W.H. McCauley camp 260, Dickson Tn. I was asked if I was interested in joining the 10th tennessee infantry by one of my compatriots at the dickson camp.So far, I've been unable to find the time. Thank You, Larry |
Clayton Lockhart - 05/16/99 19:02:56 My Email:claynelson@webtv.net | Comments: can not make out questions. sending email address. have info my great grandfather was a part of this regement This regement also was knwn as Baxter Smith's 4th or 8th |
Clayton Lockhart - 05/16/99 19:02:48 My Email:claynelson@webtv.net | Comments: can not make out questions. sending email address. have info my great grandfather was a part of this regement This regement also was knwn as Baxter Smith's 4th or 8th |
Arnold Brown - 05/12/99 02:38:38 My Email:Arnbrown@aol.com Do you re-enact?: no - overage Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Michigan Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: I'm looking forward to completion of the history of Murray's Cavalry. My great grandfather, Samuel Matterson Brown, from Jackson Co. served with this unit for the duration of the war and I'm anxious to learn more about their campaigns and battles. |
EUGENE MURRAY - 04/21/99 02:21:38 My Email:11850@ICSYS,NET Do you re-enact?: NO If so with whom?: NO Would you be interested in learning more?: YES Where are you from?: MONTOWN WVA Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: ART MURRAY Would you tell others about this site?: YES | Comments: I WOOD LIKE INON ON 14THVIRGINA ,INF D,O B 1700 OR1863 THIK YOU e b m///////////////////////////////////// |
J. Michael Matthews - 04/04/99 03:23:50 My Email:jmatt96264@aol.com Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: no one Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Florida Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Longstreet & Jackson Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: |
- 04/01/99 00:13:45 | Comments: Capt Ford is a FARB FEST! Nice Boots - can you document them? |
Timothy L. Young - 03/31/99 13:58:50 My Email:tly@twlakes.net Do you re-enact?: No Where are you from?: Monroe, TN Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: John Savage Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: I am researching the John Grimsley family, who lived in Jackson County in the mid 1830's. Can you give me any information on the community of Mayfield, which was located south of the Cumberland River, in Jackson County? I had a grt., grt. uncle: Pvt. W. F. Grimsley: 16th Tenn. Infantry, to be wounded in the Battle of Perryville, KY October 8,1862. |
Debbie Merchant - 03/13/99 04:37:11 My Email:merchant@arn.net Do you re-enact?: no (genealogy) Where are you from?: Amarillo,TX Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Longstreet Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: I am interested in the roster of the 4th TN. I want to prove or disprove that Allen Brock, of Van Buren County,TN. may or may not have been a soldier in this unit. Any information, or leads will greatly be appreciated. Allen Brock was my gg grandfather. Respectfully, Debbie Merchant |
Debbie Merchant - 03/13/99 04:29:28 | Comments: |
- 03/07/99 23:50:44 | Comments: This Regiment became the 4th or the 8th (Baxter Smiths) Tennessee Cvalry Regiment when (Murry) was elected to the Confederate Congress.This you probaly know.My g. grandpaw served in this uni my email address is claynelson@webtv.net my soldier is A. J. Loc hart |
clayton lockhart - 02/28/99 07:46:00 My Email:claynelson@webtv.net Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: forest and wheeler Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: my greatgrandfather rode with forest and wheeler in this regiment A. J. Lockhart |
Don Collns - 02/03/99 19:24:07 My Email:Nevadadon@yahoo.com Do you re-enact?: No Would you be interested in learning more?: Yes Where are you from?: Nevada | Comments: |
2ndLt. Whitmore - 01/27/99 18:05:05 My Email:whitmore@iol15.com Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: 7th North Carolina Co.I Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: NC, Now in FL Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: 'Stonewall' Jackson Would you tell others about this site?: surely | Comments: I really enjoyed your site, Perhaps our units could be in touch via E-mail, let me know. Our unit is just starting up with 20 new recruits, and 5 officers this year and we are trying to get some connections with other units for advice, events, etc. so e-m il me soon. Thank you 2nd Lt. Benjamin M. Whitmore 7th North Carolina, Co. I, CSA |
- 01/04/99 02:26:56 My Email:kozy_kitten@yahoo.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: ortho french strahl Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: ortho french strahl was a relative of mine and I was tring to find info on battles he fought in and with whom. Found a lot of great info from this site thanks alot. |
Charles Webber - 01/03/99 03:46:29 My Email:cwebberdigital.net Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: Nasville now Fl. Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Morgan Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: Have two ancestors who I believe were with the 4th.. George and James Webber of Whites Creek in Davidson Co. Information from a questionaire sent out after the war. They were listed as returning from the east down the Cumberland. Do know of a register f troops. |
- 01/01/99 07:28:19 | Comments: |
- 12/25/98 05:08:29 | Comments: |
Ron Travis - 12/02/98 14:14:45 My Email:retravis@sprintmail.com Do you re-enact?: No Where are you from?: Huntsville, AL Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: John Mosby Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My great-grandfather was in the 34th Tn Infantry (later 4th TN Inf) - Company C/D -- Left Bridgeport, AL to enlist in Knoxsville, TN in Aug 1861. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Lew W. Myers - 11/22/98 07:58:01 My Email:blazers@harborcom.net | Comments: |
chris morse - 11/21/98 19:21:01 My Email:morse@jnlk.com Do you re-enact?: no,but would like to get involved Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: originaly from Killeen,Texas but currently reside in in New Jersey Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Longstreet Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: |
Heather Anders - 11/16/98 03:40:48 Where are you from?: Fort Wayne, Indiana | Comments: |
Heather Anders - 11/16/98 03:40:00 | Comments: |
Wiginton - 09/25/98 03:15:30 My Email:Academic1@juno.com Where are you from?: Tennessee Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: standley and coopers | Comments: I am a member of First Families of Tenn. I lost an ancestor in a prision camp. The Robert Cooper family lost sons to the war. Robert Cooper's wife died caring for the troops near Nashville. She said she cared for boys on both sides of the war because they were all someone's boys. Her name was Catherine Cooper Cooper. Her grandfather was a fist family of Tenn. He was born in enn. She lost many boys in the war. Her family was buried in the Natchez Trace Park. |
scott huf - 09/13/98 19:21:23 My Email:bubbajennifer@alltel.net Do you re-enact?: no not yet Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: dalton ga Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: gen hood Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: |
Mike Sly - 09/01/98 19:27:20 My URL:http://www.livinghistoryportraits.com My Email:slyxx@ibm.net Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: Fishers, IN. Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: J.B. Hood Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Sirs, I enjoyed your site very much. I would like to offer you my site to visit and to get some feedback from you as well. I offer a service to all living history reenactors and would like to hear from everyone. If anyone is interested in linking up as well I w uld be interested in looking at your site too. Good job on your site and I'll be back.Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, Mike Sly |
john ford - 08/28/98 19:06:09 My Email:jford83@hotmail.com Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: you know Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: capt. henry a. ford Would you tell others about this site?: duh | Comments: I LIKE YOUR PAGE DAD BUT WHERE AM I ???????????????????? |
Earl Cuyler - 07/15/98 22:04:42 My Email:egcuyler@uswest.net Where are you from?: Arizona Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Longstreet | Comments: I would like to find Ancestors who migth have fought for SOUTH. I have family names of Lowe & Goodman who came from TENN. & S.C. born in the 1700 & 1800's. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Earl Cuyler |
Jack Parker - 07/08/98 03:42:59 My Email:sporty66@webtv.net Do you re-enact?: no not yet If so with whom?: ****** Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: newbern,tn Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Otto French Strahl Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: My great great grandfather fought inthe civil war and lost his arm at shiloh. |
Dale Welch - 06/16/98 23:33:50 My Email:dawelch@usit.net Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Monterey, TN Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: the Gentleman Robert E. Lee Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: My ancestors in the Confederate Army were Alexander Welch and Capt. Abraham Ford in the 25th TN Inf., Co. K. Also Spencer Phillips in the 28th TN Inf. |
Thomas H. Worthington - 06/16/98 03:04:57 My Email:RedMush@msn.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Kingston, Tennessee Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: A lot of soldiers. Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My Great Grandfather was Samuel P. Worthington. He served as a private in Co.F. 4th Cal. Bat. He drew a pention from Trnn. and his pention no. was 511857. He originally went in Tulloss Rangers a compliment of Col. James A. Tulloss of Pikeville, Tn. for hi liberal aid in money and other respects. There were six brothers and cousins that joined the same unit and they were: J.C.; J.Frank; James; Sam P. W.J.; and William Worthington. If you have anything on these or about this unit I would really appreciate any info. Thanks Red. |
Thomas H. Worthington - 06/16/98 02:50:32 My Email:RedMush@msn.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Kingston, Tennessee Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: A lot of soldiers. Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My My Great Grandfather was Samuel P. Worthington. He served as a private in Co.F. 4th Cal. Bat. He drew a pention from Trnn. and his pention no. was 511857. He originally went in Tulloss Rangers a compliment of Col. James A. Tulloss of Pikeville, Tn. for his liberal aid in money and other respects. There were six brothers and cousins that joined the same unit and they were: J.C.; J.Frank; James; Sam P. W.J.; William. If you have anything on these or about this unit I would really appreciate any info. Thanks Red. |
Steve Cole - 06/12/98 02:28:53 My Email:STeveC00@juno.com Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: Collierville, TN Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Lee ---> Stephen D. Would you tell others about this site?: Yep---in my SCV newsletter | Comments: Just browsing. I'm a member of WIGFALL GRAYS Camp #1560, which is named after Company C of 4th Tenn Infantry Regiment that enlisted at Collierville. We have a short history of the Company C, written by Pvt Thomas Taylor called "History of Wigfall Grays" I hope to create a web site for our camp VERY SOON and would like some ideas--and HELP! |
Susie Culwell - 06/01/98 02:41:10 My Email:susieq11@swbell.net Where are you from?: living in Texas now Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Any of the Flatt's who fought Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Is there a way I can find out exactly who fought in the 4th, I found some of my relatives, the Flatt's and do you have a history how the 4th was formed and how did they get the men to enlist. Thanks,like your site. susie |
Brent Hewes - 05/28/98 19:25:30 My Email:rhewes@ionet.net Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: oklahoma Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: James Henery Lane Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: |
Leland G. Harris - 05/25/98 17:49:02 My Email:LHarris765aol.com Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: n/a Would you be interested in learning more?: no Where are you from?: Thousand Oaks, Ca. Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Lewis G. Harris Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: My Great-grandfather, Lewis G. Harris, born April, 30 1844, in Wilson County, Tennessee, enlisted in General Nathan B. Forrests Confederate Calvery, with the 4th Tenn.(McLemore's), on Oct. 29, 1861. He was under Lt. Hunt for two years. He was shot in the foot during a charge and was captured by the Yankees. He was sent to Camp Morton in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Yankees didn't take care of the wound, infection set in, and his foot was finally removed. Unlike many, he survived Camp Morton and was released from service by Lt. C.S. Severson on Jan. 9, 1863. We owned a small farm, however, the Yankee Carpetbaggers finally took it shortly after the war. The first Carpetbagger who came on our property is barried there to this day in an unmarked grave. After the war our family moved to Sanger Texas where many of our people are still located to this day. All of the Harris males have the same middle initial "G" to this day, including my son, Austin Grey Harris, now 8, to remember Lewis Gray Harris. Lewis Gray died in 1926. His son Woodfin Grady Harris died at 101 seven years ago; we were very close and talked about his father, his childhood and the war at length over the years. I have a vedio oral history recorded on my Grandfathers 100th birthday. The sitting Yankee president wrote him a personal letter for his 100th, which we found very amuseing. My grandfather was graduated from Freed/Hardman University shortly before WWI and taught there during the war. He was a successful businessman and moved to San Diego in the early 1940's. |
Kenneth P. Lord III - 05/14/98 23:22:45 My Email:klord@galis.com Do you re-enact?: No Where are you from?: Williamsport, TN Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: NB Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: Excellent site. |
James Carey - 05/13/98 01:58:18 My Email:jimc2@ix.netcom.com Do you re-enact?: No If so with whom?: N/A Where are you from?: Memphis, Tennessee Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Gen Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: My Great Grandfather, John M. McGinnis signed up under Cpt. Stahl for the "Dyer Guards" from Dyersburg, TN in May 1861. He was placed into Co. K, 4th Tennessee Infantry regiment. There were 104 volunteers from Dyer county and they become known as Stahl' infantry. Note: Of the initial 104 volunteers of Co. K, only seven (7) members were left at their surrendar at Greensboro,NC in 1865. On 18 May 1861 the 4th Infantry was mustered into military service for the state of Tennessee while in Germantown, TN (outside of Memphis, TN). On 20 May they were ordered to strike camp and head for the wharves in Memphis. There they loaded onto the ste mer Ingomar and headed for Fort Wright at Randolph, TN on the Mississippi river. There they became known as the River Brigade. On 18 July, 1861 they left Ft. Wright and headed for Ft. Pillow which was 12 miles further up the Mississippi. While at both sites they dug earth works and trenches for the defense of the Mississippi river. Sometime during Sept 1861, my great grandfather became ill and was released from military service. It wasn't much later that this unit would find itself at the infamous battle of Shiloh, TN. One year later he joined up with Cpt. Sharp to ride for Gen Nathan B. Forrest in the 9th Tennessee Cavalry under Col Biffle and remained so until the end of the war where he surrendered with Gen Forrest in Citronelle, Al on 4 May 1865 as a 5th Sgt. I am currently writing a biography on my Great Grandfather and would appreciate any information anyone could give me during the time of May to Sept 1861. If someone has a document on anyone of the 4th Tennessee regiment and would share it with me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Jim Carey |
john sertel - 04/27/98 22:13:01 My Email:serte@vol.com Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: chattanooga,tenn. Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Lt. Joe G. Richey | Comments: Joe G. Richey would be my Great,Great,Great Grandfather. I am trying to find out all I can about him. Please help if possible. |
Laverne Roden - 04/18/98 06:03:00 My Email:KeeperUS@SWBell.net Would you be interested in learning more?: YES! Where are you from?: Texas Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: One of my ancestors, Albine Rhoden, was a prisioner in the Civil War, and died of starvation at Camp Morton March 4, 1863, just one week before he was to be released from prison camp. |
Laverne Roden - 04/18/98 06:01:10 My Email:KeeperUS@SWBell.net Would you be interested in learning more?: YES! Where are you from?: Texas Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: One of my ancestors, Albine Rhoden, was a prisioner in the Civil War, and died of starvation at Camp Morton March 4, 1863, just one week before he was to be released from prison camp. |
ernest c.spurlock - 04/09/98 04:38:55 My Email:spurloec@sgsahoward01.mil Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: gainesboro,tenn. Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: robert lee Would you tell others about this site?: maybe | Comments: here I am in Panama and I find this site from my hometown,by the computer it is a small world. lookingfor any spurlock who was in the war. |
David Nailling - 04/03/98 05:54:13 My Email:kf4jyp@jno.com Do you re-enact?: ocassionally If so with whom?: whover will take me Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Union City, Tn originally Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Hello, I am actually a member of the 4th Tennessee Infantry, Co. E, Harris Guards. This is a unit in the North-South Skirmish Association. I have re-enacted at Parkers Crossroads, Shiloh, and Columbus, Ky. My great grandfather was a private in this company and one of his brothers was a Brevet Lieutenant killed at Shiloh. I am a charter member of the Otho F. Strahl Camp 176, SCV as well. I would like any documented info you have regarding uniforms, ba tleflags, etc. of the 4th, specifically Company E. |
Rick Abbott - 02/10/98 01:38:14 My Email:abbottcsa@adamswells.com Do you re-enact?: it has been a couple of years If so with whom?: 1st Cherokee Mtd Rifles CSA Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: live in Indiana Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Mosby, Forrest, Waite Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: I was born and raised in Fentress Co. TN I am commander of SCV camp 1509 in IN My greatgrandfather (along with several great- great- great uncles) was in Co. "F", 4th TN cav. CSA I also meet you at the convention in Nashville last year. Ihope to go to St. Louis this year. Your Humble Servent: Rick Abbott, Col., CSA |
cloud strife - 02/01/98 19:47:03 My Email:cloud@SOLDIER.com Do you re-enact?: lifestream If so with whom?: tifa,barret,sepiroth Would you be interested in learning more?: sure Where are you from?: nibleheim Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: robert e. lee Would you tell others about this site?: damn straight | Comments: die hojo you rotten ass picker....south 4 life!!!!!!!!the union sucks cocker spaniels! |
Helen Ormsby - 01/10/98 03:30:28 My Email:heleno@alaska.net Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: no Where are you from?: Alaska Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: my great-grandfather Would you tell others about this site?: don't know | Comments: My great grandfather was a member of Company E, 4th Tennessee and kept a detailed diary during the war. Where do you get your specific information to re-enact -- from the Official Papers or what? I have been working tryng to put together the diary for a book, but I want to emphasize the men and what happened to them. Do you have any knowledge of any of the men and what happened to them, including after the war. |
Angie Smith - 01/08/98 02:41:03 My Email:smithangie@hotmail.com Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: no Where are you from?: Nebraska Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Zachery Taylor Mundorf Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Hello. According to some of my family members, they say that we are related to Henry Ford. We are constructing a Family Tree and are wondering if what our family members say is true. Could you please email me any information about his family up to now f you have any. We would appreciate it. Thanks and the websites are excellent. Thanks again, Angie Smith Loup City, NE |
Angie Smith - 01/08/98 02:17:24 My Email:smithangie@hotmail.com Do you re-enact?: no If so with whom?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: no Where are you from?: Nebraska Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Zachery Taylor Mundorf Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Hello. According to some of my family members, they say that we are related to Henry Ford. We are constructing a Family Tree and are wondering if what our family members say is true. Could you please email me any information about his family up to now f you have any. We would appreciate it. Thanks and the websites are excellent. Thanks again, Angie Smith Loup City, NE |
Jon KRandel - 01/07/98 20:54:41 My Email:bigduke99 Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: yo mother Would you be interested in learning more?: yup Where are you from?: yo mama's house | Comments: |
pimp daddy - 11/30/97 19:55:30 | Comments: i love all of the rebel flag stuff |
Bryan Gabbard - 10/06/97 09:03:44 My Email:gabbard1@arkansas.net Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Fayetteville, Arkansas Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Robert E. Lee Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Actually, I had stumbled on your excellent website while doing genealogical research. I have a possible ancestor who was in Company A, 4th Tennessee Inf. I was looking for a muster list or something that listed individual's withing the units. |
Todd Huston - 10/03/97 16:27:33 My Email:INFTRYBTN@aol.com Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: IND. GRD. Where are you from?: ILL Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Jackson & Moseby Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: Nice page Henry. Thanks for giving me the address. |
Buddy Roberts - 10/02/97 18:12:27 My Email:thebuddy@earthlink.net Do you re-enact?: sure If so with whom?: you Where are you from?: the bayou Would you tell others about this site?: yep | Comments: Did a good job Henry. There are a few misspelled words here and there but it's great were not perfect. |
scott carter - 09/30/97 02:55:17 My Email:carter@intrstar.net Do you re-enact?: no Where are you from?: nc Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: Am member of SCV Camp 5 |
Shawn Billingsley - 09/28/97 08:35:35 My Email:lindahalifax@sprintmail.com Do you re-enact?: no Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Sterling Hts., Mich Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: My great-great grandfather Benjamin F. Birdwell Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: This is the closet I've got to finding a history of my ancestors participation in the Civil War. My information says that my great-great-grandfather joined up with Col. John P. Murry (close to Murray). My ancestor was a citizen of Jackson County. But I ha e him joining up with the 28th Tennessee Regiment Co D. It later changed to the 1st Tennessee Infantry. Can you clear this up? |
LEVI DECKER - 09/27/97 15:13:39 Would you be interested in learning more?: YES Where are you from?: ATLANTA, GEORGIA Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: NATHAN BEDORD FORREST OR ANY BODY FROM THE SOUTH Would you tell others about this site?: YES | Comments: IT WAS A GOOD PAGE. |
Jack B. Harris - 09/15/97 00:56:46 My URL:/BourbonStreet/2757 My Email:Jacbilt@fwb.gulf.com Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Niceville Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Gen.Calbraith Butler Would you tell others about this site?: absolutely. I linked to it | Comments:![]() |
1Lt. Jeff Davenport - 09/14/97 04:15:07 My Email:Cooter@infoave.net Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: 4Th Tn. Where are you from?: Gainesboro Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: N.B.Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: Yes | Comments: On 9/13/97 The 4Th Tn. Had a great time. We march and did different types of drills and we cook our supper on an open fire. We had brown beans,fresh green beans with tators and onions cook together,homemade chille mild and HOT!!!,and also coffee that would make you get up and go!!!!!!! Thanks to Roger (cheif)for the meal. For all the people that missed our living history camp setup well all I Can say is that you missed a wonderfull time,a great meal, and makeing a lot of new friends...Hope to see everybody at our next one we have.... Jeff Davenport 1Lt |
W.T.Huston - 09/01/97 01:29:06 My Email:INFTRYBTN@aol.com Do you re-enact?: yes If so with whom?: INDEPENDENT GUARD Where are you from?: ILL Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Mosby Would you tell others about this site?: yes | Comments: |
RONALD CASSETTY - 08/23/97 18:53:42 My Email:rcassetty@nctc.com Do you re-enact?: YES Would you be interested in learning more?: NOT AT MY AGE Where are you from?: LAFAYETTE TN. Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: ALL OF THEM Would you tell others about this site?: YES | Comments: HEATHER DID WELL |
- 08/03/97 16:58:39 | Comments: this is a test |
Buddy Roberts - 07/26/97 00:36:18 Do you re-enact?: Just react If so with whom?: young women Would you be interested in learning more?: at my age? Where are you from?: The Bayou Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: all of them Would you tell others about this site?: OH'''Yea | Comments: Heather did a great job on this page |
Jeff, Heather, & Gen.Forrest Davenport - 07/22/97 16:26:52 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/6009 My Email:cooter@infoave.net Do you re-enact?: Yes If so with whom?: 4th Tennessee Would you be interested in learning more?: yes Where are you from?: Tennessee Who is your favorite Civil War Hero?: Gen.Nathan B. Forrest Would you tell others about this site?: Definetly | Comments: Henry, Here is your guestbook. I will add it to your other pages also. I will also get you a counter and add Buddy's link later today. The General says AHHH GOOOO PLZZZZZ!!!! |