Date: autumn of 1995
Place: Lake House, Wiltshire, England
Source: Hungarian HBO (Home Box Office)
ANDY1.JPG: (446x340, 21 KB) guitarist Andy Summers (ex-Police) in 1995
BASS.JPG: (449x336, 26 KB) Sting is playing bass 'I Hung My Head'
BIRTDAY0.JPG: (444x344, 20 KB) his wife Trudie, daughter Coco, Sting & Bridget with a flower
BIRTDAY1.JPG: (446x336, 20 KB) the family & the band at the table
BIRTDAY2.JPG: (450x334, 23 KB) drummer Vinnie Colaiuta (raising his glass) & Bridget
BIRTDAY3.JPG: (452x339, 21 KB) Coco & Sting (thinking)
BIRTDAY4.JPG: (450x334, 18 KB) Trudie, Coco, Sting & Bridget with a birthday cake
BIRTDAY5.JPG: (448x336, 22 KB) Coco & Sting (smiling) with the cake
BIRTDAY6.JPG: (448x340, 20 KB) Coco & Sting (blowing out the candles)
BIRTDAY7.JPG: (446x336, 21 KB) a standing toast by Sting
BIRTDAY8.JPG: (448x330, 19 KB) Vinnie (clapping), Bridget, Sting (drinking) & Coco
BIRTDAY9.JPG: (448x334, 20 KB) Coco, Sting & Bridget (cutting the cake)
BOATHOUS.JPG: (450x340, 27 KB) Sting's old boathouse on the banks of Avon
CHESS.JPG: (450x336, 23 KB) Trudie, Sting, guitarist Dominic Miller (playing chess) & a cat
CHESSBRD.JPG: (449x338, 27 KB) the chessboard (white: Sting, black: Dominic)
DOMINIC3.JPG: (452x338, 24 KB) Dom is playing acoustic guitar 'I Hung My Head'
DOMVINNI.JPG: (449x336, 27 KB) Dom & Vinnie are recording 'I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying'
EATING1.JPG: (448x336, 30 KB) eating in front of the house
EATING2.JPG: (450x338, 27 KB) Dom & Sting (eating)
EATING3.JPG: (450x336, 29 KB) feeding some vegetarian food
GUITAR.JPG: (450x338, 27 KB) Sting is playing acoustic guitar from notes
HANDSHAK.JPG: (448x338, 24 KB) Sting after shaking hands with The East London Choir
JAMMIN1.JPG: (450x338, 27 KB) Sting is playing double bass & Kenny Kirkland is playing piano
JAMMIN2.JPG: (444x336, 24 KB) Sting & Kenny are jammin'
KENNY2.JPG: (452x337, 25 KB) Kenny is playing 'I Hung My Head'
LAKEHOU1.JPG: (485x366, 28 KB) Lake House (Sting's castle)
LAKEHOU2.JPG: (452x338, 25 KB) Lake House and one of Sting's dogs
LAKEHOU3.JPG: (446x336, 24 KB) Lake House with garden
LAKEHOU4.JPG: (448x336, 27 KB) Lake House from a different view
MAKEFIRE.JPG: (445x335, 24 KB) Sting is making fire in his little boathouse
MEMPHIS1.JPG: (448x336, 22 KB) Andrew Love (sax) & Wayne Jackson (trumpet)
MEMPHIS2.JPG: (452x340, 28 KB) The Memphis Horns & Sting are recording 'I Hung My Head'
MIXING1.JPG: (448x335, 25 KB) Sting & producer Hugh Padgham are mixing 'Valparaiso'
MIXING2.JPG: (448x338, 30 KB) Sting & Hugh (during the mixing)
PHONES.JPG: (446x336, 20 KB) Sting with headphones singing 'I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying'
SPECTRUM.JPG: (452x336, 20 KB) the spectrumanalyzer of 'Valparaiso'
STEWART.JPG: (444x338, 25 KB) drummer Stewart Copeland (ex-Police) in 1995
STING1.JPG: (452x336, 17 KB) Sting at the interview
STING2.JPG: (448x337, 20 KB) Sting is talking in his boathouse
THINK1.JPG: (448x334, 21 KB) Sting is listening 'I Was Brought To My Senses' in the green
THINK2.JPG: (486x364, 22 KB) Sting is thinking when playing chess with Dom
VINNIE3.JPG: (452x336, 19 KB) Vinnie is playing 'Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot'
VINNIE5.JPG: (446x336, 19 KB) Vinnie at Sting's birthday party (with Kenny in the background)
VOCALS1.JPG: (452x340, 26 KB) recording the vocals of 'I Was Brought To My Senses'
VOCALS2.JPG: (450x337, 21 KB) Monica Price, Shirley Lewis, Lance Ellington & Tony Walters
VOCALS3.JPG: (450x332, 26 KB) Sting at Abbey Road Studios with the East London Choir
VOCALS4.JPG: (450x336, 26 KB) recording the vocals of 'Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot'
WALKING.JPG: (520x392, 30 KB) walking with a walkman and listening 'I Was Brought To My Senses'
WRITING.JPG: (452x338, 26 KB) writing the lyrics of 'I Was Brought To My Senses'
YOGA1.JPG: (450x334, 20 KB) Sting is practising yoga #1
YOGA2.JPG: (448x332, 21 KB) Sting is practising yoga #2
YOGA3.JPG: (450x340, 23 KB) Sting is meditating #1
YOGA4.JPG: (446x332, 17 KB) Sting is meditating #2
Date: 23 May 1996
Place: Kisstadion, Budapest, Hungary
Source: MTV1 (Hungarian Television 1)
APPEAR.JPG: (454x340, 19 KB) Sting is appearing on stage after 50 minutes of waiting
AUDIENCE.JPG: (450x338, 22 KB) approx. 12,000 fans at 'Kisstadion', Budapest
BUTCHST1.JPG: (465x351, 20 KB) saxophonist Butch Thomas with Sting
BUTCHST2.JPG: (450x340, 26 KB) Butch & Sting are playing 'I Was Brought To My Senses'
DOMINIC1.JPG: (448x338, 21 KB) Dominic Miller is playing 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'
DOMSTIN1.JPG: (458x334, 25 KB) Dominic & Sting are performing 'I Was Brought To My Senses'
GOAWAY1.JPG: (449x335, 17 KB) Sting is sending away the video camera out of his face
HORNS1.JPG: (483x366, 26 KB) Butch & Clark are playing 'If You Love Somebody Set Them Free'
HOUNDS.JPG: (456x332, 21 KB) Sting is playing 'The Hounds Of Winter'
IHUNGMY.JPG: (450x338, 23 KB) Sting is singing 'I Hung My Head'
INTRODUC.JPG: (448x332, 18 KB) Sting is introducing Clark Gayton to the audience
KENNY1.JPG: (452x332, 23 KB) Kenny Kirkland is playing solo in 'I Was Brought To My Senses'
PROFILE.JPG: (450x336, 20 KB) Sting is singing 'The Hounds Of Winter'
STAGE1.JPG: (454x340, 20 KB) the first seconds of the concert #1
STAGE2.JPG: (485x367, 25 KB) the first seconds of the concert #2
STAGE3.JPG: (450x338, 19 KB) 'The Hounds Of Winter'
STAGE4.JPG: (452x340, 20 KB) 'I Hung My Head'
STAGE5.JPG: (450x338, 20 KB) 'I Was Brought To My Senses'
STAGE6.JPG: (454x334, 20 KB) 'If You Love Somebody Set Them Free' #1
STAGE7.JPG: (450x338, 28 KB) 'If You Love Somebody Set Them Free' #2
STAGE8.JPG: (494x370, 32 KB) 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'
THREE1.JPG: (490x366, 26 KB) Butch Thomas, Sting & Clark Gayton
THREE2.JPG: (456x334, 26 KB) Butch, Sting & Clark in 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'
THREE3.JPG: (448x338, 22 KB) Butch, Sting & Clark from a different view
VIEW1.JPG: (450x338, 24 KB) the band on stage in 'I Hung My Head'
VIEW2.JPG: (450x340, 27 KB) Kenny and the horn players in 'Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot'
VIEW3.JPG: (452x336, 25 KB) the band in 'If You Love Somebody Set Them Free'
VIEW4.JPG: (450x336, 26 KB) Kenny and Sting in 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'
VIEW5.JPG: (450x334, 28 KB) Vinnie and Sting in 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'
VINNIE1.JPG: (454x338, 28 KB) Vinnie Colaiuta in action
VINNIE2.JPG: (454x338, 31 KB) Vinnie is playing drums in 'Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot'
WAVE.JPG: (454x340, 28 KB) Sting is waving to the crowd in 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'
Date: 1991
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Source: MTV2 (Hungarian Television 2)
ACEFACE.JPG: (562x420, 27 KB) Sting as Aceface with his moped in 'Quadrophenia' from 1979
ANDYSTIN.JPG: (560x418, 22 KB) Andy Summers and Sting from the early Police days
CAIRO.JPG: (562x418, 27 KB) 'Englishman In Cairo', Sting in Egypt with The Police
COAT1.JPG: (556x418, 22 KB) 'My coat around my ears' #1
COAT2.JPG: (560x418, 20 KB) 'My coat around my ears' #2
DUNE2.JPG: (560x418, 20 KB) Sting's sexy posing in the movie 'Dune' from 1984
FRANCES.JPG: (560x420, 21 KB) Sting with his first wife, actress Frances Tomelty
HAREM.JPG: (562x418, 26 KB) Sting and Stewart Copeland in their harem ;)
SHEEP.JPG: (562x418, 29 KB) 'Counting poles, counting sheep...'
THEBAND.JPG: (562x418, 22 KB) Kenny, Branford, Tracy, Mino, Jeff, Sting, Jean-Paul & Delmar
Date: 1979-1996
Place: various locations
Source: A&M videos, Arte, E!, MCM, MTV, MTV1, MTV2, NBC, OPT1, RTL2, TV5, Veronica
BACKSTAG.JPG: (456x334, 20 KB) Sting, Vinnie & Dom in backstage, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
BRANFOR2.JPG: (453x335, 17 KB) Branford Marsalis in late drummer Art Blakey's jazz band
DANCING.JPG: (454x335, 18 KB) Janice Pendarvis & Sting are dancing at the Wembley in 1988
DARKENNY.JPG: (452x336, 19 KB) Darryl Jones & Kenny Kirkland in a castle, Paris, France in 1985
DOMINIC4.JPG: (496x288, 19 KB) Dominic Miller is head-butting his guitar in a video from 1993
HORNS2.JPG: (460x338, 26 KB) Butch & Clark in the video of 'You Still Touch Me' from 1996
JAYLENO.JPG: (453x333, 25 KB) Jay Leno is greeting Sting in NBC Studios, Burbank, CA, USA
KITCHEN.JPG: (532x308, 25 KB) David Sancious, Vinnie and Dominic in Sting's kitchen in 1993
MOSCOW.JPG: (500x365, 20 KB) Sting is singing at The Kremlin in Moscow, Russia in 1996
MOSTWANT.JPG: (530x392, 21 KB) Sting is playing acoustic guitar in MTV's 'Most Wanted'
PAINTING.JPG: (456x338, 18 KB) Ray Cokes & Sting are painting a butt on MTV in 1994
PORIJAZZ.JPG: (454x338, 16 KB) Andy Summers & Larry Coryell are waving in Pori, Finland in 1996
SCARF.JPG: (488x364, 22 KB) Sting is laughing during an interview in 1996
SHOOTING.JPG: (441x338, 29 KB) Sting on a saddle during the shooting the video of 'ISHICSC'
SNAKE.JPG: (496x360, 18 KB) Sting is holding a snake in his hand in Vietnam
SOHAPPY.JPG: (473x345, 26 KB) Sting is singing 'ISHICSC' in 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'
STINGBEE.JPG: (486x352, 13 KB) Sting with a present from a fan in Den Haag, Holland in 1991
THEWHO.JPG: (488x364, 22 KB) Sting and the members of 'The Who' from the late 70s
UNPLUGGE.JPG: (487x364, 23 KB) Sting, Vinnie, Vinx & Dom in MTV's 'Unplugged' in 1991
VINNIE6.JPG: (485x273, 18 KB) Vinnie Colaiuta from bottom-view in France in 1996
Date: June/July 1996
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Source: Zenészmagazin (Musicians' Magazine)
BASS1.JPG: (283x457, 24 KB) Sting's Fender Precision bass from 1953
BASS2.JPG: (297x412, 37 KB) Gibson Chet Atkins, the bass rack & the other Fender from 1967
DRUMSET.JPG: (554x364, 49 KB) Gretsch-drumkit of Vinnie Colaiuta
SECRETS.JPG: (455x305, 34 KB) the 'secrets' of piano player Kenny Kirkland
SEQUENCE.JPG: (293x429, 27 KB) the sequencer equipment
Date: various
Place: various locations
Source: Internet & various magazines
AUTOGRAP.JPG: (345x501, 28 KB) a photo with an original autograph of Sting
BATHROOM.JPG: (427x333, 31 KB) Sting's bathroom in Lake House, Wiltshire, England
BEHIND.JPG: (200x280, 19 KB) Sting is behind the scenes during the shooting of 'Dune' in 1984
BYSTING.JPG: (395x256, 19 KB) Sting's self-portrait on a T-shirt drawn by himself
CROCODIL.JPG: (116x175, 16 KB) Sting is dancing with an inflatable crocodile in a garden
DINING.JPG: (425x414, 48 KB) Sting's beautiful dining-room in Lake House, Wiltshire, England
DUCKLING.JPG: (453x471, 39 KB) Sting is having a bath at home with two yellow ducklings
ELTON.JPG: (237x400, 15 KB) Sting, Trudie Styler and Elton John are having fun
MUDDY.JPG: (310x392, 24 KB) Sting is standing naked in a desert!
PUPIL.JPG: (334x623, 37 KB) an early picture of the young Gordon Sumner
STATUES.JPG: (528x317, 39 KB) Hobo, B. Springsteen, T. Chapman, Sting, János Bródy & P. Gabriel
STDEAD.JPG: (315x575, 57 KB) a bizarre picture of Sting frozen to death!
STUDIO.JPG: (448x471, 46 KB) Sting's music room in Lake House where 'TST' & 'MF' were recorded
WARCRY.JPG: (354x481, 27 KB) war-cry of Sting as a Brazilian Indian
WORLDCUP.JPG: (486x316, 26 KB) Sting & Bono with their wives at the World Cup Final in Paris
Please send me an e-mail if you like these pictures or you want some more!
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