This website covers
the genealogy and history of the Jeansonne family of
Louisiana (often spelled Johnson), the Louisiana branch
of the descendants of William "Billy" Johnson and
Isabelle Corporon of Port Royal,
had orignally hoped to keep this web site more current
but the combined pressures of setting up my own
business last year and dealing with my grandmother's
illness and subsequent death this year have made this
impossible. The good news is that the business is
growing, I have added staff, and as a result hope to
have time to resume my genealogical work, including
updating this site, in 1999.
-- Kathryn
If you are a JEANSONNE,
or are a Louisiana JOHNSON from this line, or a
Canadian or New England Johnson,
r any variation on the above, we want to hear from
you!! Please e-mail
the webmasters. Let's exchange data!!
Website prepared by: Kathryn
Coombs, with input from Ann
Johnson Donovan
Mark your
Acadian Johnson Association Reunion
Marksville, Louisiana, First week of August, 1999
In Association with the Congres Mondial des Acadiens.
E-mail Glenda Jeansonne at
for more information, and visit the official
Reunion Website at:
maintained by Gerald Ducote
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