Charlie "YardBird" Parker

This Page is a tribute to the greatest alto saxophonist of all time, Charlie "YardBird" Parker. 

Please click here to go to the new and improved site,

Recommended CD's for people unfamiliar with Bird:

1. The soundtrack to the movie "Bird" (Bird is a must see for all Bird fans, Forest Whittaker does a superb job of portraying Bird. Many thanks to Clint Eastwood for making this film. By the way Clint, Please make one on Trane!)

2. Confirmation: Best of the Verve Years

Click on any of the 3 classic Bird posters below to buy it at

Click on the Laughing Bird picture below to enter the Charlie Parker Photo Gallery. Please be patient while it loads; you will see that it was well worth the wait.

Click on the Birdland image below to enter Virtual Birdland, a place for Bird lovers to get together and chat, share thoughts, or do whatever else they feel like!

Click on the sheet music image below to go to the definitive page for the Charlie Parker Sessionography on the Web.

Click on the Rare Bird album cover below to go to AMG's great page on Bird including a comprehensive, hyperlinked discography.

Click on the Trane picture below to check out my Trane tribute page.

Doing research on Bird? Then type in Charlie Parker in the search link below to find tons of materials on Bird.

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Click on the graphic link below to visit's extensive site on Bird. The site includes a biography, a discography, a message board, and a photo gallery. Highly recommended.