Ground and Center
Scared Space
Sacred Space within myself, Earth and Sky, Light and Health, Blessings of the Goddess shine, bring to me thy Love Divine, As Above, It is Below, now Peace and Love around me grow. Be I Witch, Faery, or Elf, Sacred Space I call myself.
Casting the Circle
I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, so that you can be for me, a boundary between the worlds of me and the realms of the mighty Spirits. A meeting place of Peace and Trust, Love and Joy. Containing the Power I will raise herein. Thrice about the Circle is cast. Let nothing remain within save that which is in accord with My Will and the intent of this rite. This is a place that is not a place, a time that is not a time, between the worlds and beyond. Let all be Welcome who would share the Blessings of this ritual. So mote it be.Element Stirring
Ancient Witches hearken nigh, Earth and Wind, Water and Sky. Stars above and Core below, Peace and Prosperity Energy Flow.Call the Quarters
North - (Hands palms down) - Auriel, Who's color is Red and who's responsibility is Manifestation, join us now to bless us with your presence, watch over us and guide us. North, Earth, Free giver of food, we welcome you to this our Sacred Circle. Lend us your strength. Auriel, Auriel, Auriel.
Earth Stirring
Goddess and God Invocation
(stand in Goddess position hands crossed on chest) - Mighty Mother, Gentle and caring, we welcome you to this our Sacred Circle. Share with us those insights that we need and are searching for. Hail and well met. (stand in God position with arms out, high) - Mighty Hunter, Father and Protector, we welcome you to this our Sacred Circle. Share with us those insights that we need and are looking for. Hail and well met.Airmid
Airmid, Goddess of Healing, plants and growing things of this Earth. Join us now to bless us with your presence, watch over us and guide us, we welcome you to this our Sacred Circle. Hail and well met.Raise Energy
(drumming or clapping) The earth, the air the fire, the water, return, return, return, the earth, the air, the fire, the water, return, return, return. Ayay, ayay, ayay, ayay, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayay, ayay, ayay, ayay, ayo, ayo, ayo, ayo. (dancing in a circle) We are circle in a circle with no beginning and never ending, we are circle in a circle with no beginning and never ending. We kindle the fire, dance the magic circle round, we kindle the fire, dance the magic circle round.Name the Working
Healing or Blessing or Prayer or Psychic Work (Spontaneous working)Grounding
(Drop to the ground with both hands flat on earth, head lowered, focus on the need) I release my working to the fires in the center of the earth where they will burn, and purify, rising like steam through the earth to the sky where they will rain down upon me nurturing and nourishing me and this earthCakes and Ale
(male wine blessing) - The male holds the power and is the reservoir of power. The female taps the power in him and channels it. Neither can work without the other, one without the other is incomplete. The God is a God of life and death. The Goddess is of birth and renewal. To learn you must struggle, to live you must be born, to be born you must die, the beginning, the continuation, and the end, over and over and over. The sun gives forth light. The moon holds it in darkness. As above, so is below. As the athame is to the male, so the chalice is to the female and together joined they are one in truth.(pass the ale)
(female cakes blessing) - The fruits of the earth, may you never hunger. Remember always to share aught that you have with those who have naught.(pass the cakes)
Thanking the Elements
(start at North, go widdershins) We thank you North, for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. Hail and Farewell. We thank you Auriel for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. We thank you for your presence, now and always. We thank you West, for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. Hail and Farewell. We thank you Gabriel for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. We thank you for your presence, now and always. We thank you South, for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. Hail and Farewell. We thank you Michael for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. We thank you for your presence, now and always. We thank you East, for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. Hail and Farewell. We thank you Raphael for your presence in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. We thank you for your presence, now and always. Airmid we thank you for your presence, now and always, in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. Hail and Farewell. Goddess and God we thank you for your presence, now and always, in this our Sacred Circle, go if you must, but stay if you will. Hail and Farewell.Open the circle
(Begin in East, going widdershins) - The Circle is open but unbroken. Take the love that you have found within and spread it ever outward. Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again....So Mote It Be.
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