Storm Chaser

More Affirmations For Your Meditational Enjoyment!

"Something great and wonderful is happening in your world and YOU are a part of IT." ~ Dr. Robert Scott


"Dear Mother-Father God, I give to You my plans, my hopes, my dreams, and You help me to shape each one according to Your Divine Plan. Dear Mother-Father God, I want to be loving and kind, and to speak words that have a positive impact on myself and others. Centered in Your love and light, I keep on an even keel."


"An open mind and heart bring real satisfaction into each moment of our day. Let us be receptive to our Good. Let us also give thanks for this day, for the place in which we are, for the activities in which we are engaged. This is a wonderful month, and today is a wonderful day. Thank you Mother-Father God!"


"Healing - I am a Spiritual being. Divine energy fills my mind and body and I am whole and well."


Unity Prayer of Protection - "The Light of God surrounds me; the Love of God enfolds me; the Power of God protects me; the Presence of God watches over me; Wherever I am; God IS."


"My words are powerful and positive, and express my faith in my Universe. Our words carry our strong belief in the Universe's Goodness and our strong belief in Mother-Father God's presence within us. They ring with the authority of the power of Mother-Father God. Our word express our faith in Mother-Father God's constant love that flow freely through us. Our words go forth in love and faith to enlighten all those who hear them."


"I am already given to the Power that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts so I will see. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle to be Free." ~ Carlos Castaneda


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