Roe's Book of Shadows

"As Above, So Below"

~ Magick is from the heart, heard in a Woman's voice and shaped with a Woman's hands. Magick is incarnate in every Woman, for every Woman knows the Power within. ~ White as an eggshell, white as a bone, white as chalk or milk or the moon, is the written word of the Ancient Crone. She works by wind, Sun, water and stone. ~

Edits and Changes Eff. 11 January 2005

Motto: Dei Dono sum quod sum
Wiccan: By the gift of the Goddess I am what I am


UPDATED!!!! (07 Nov. 02) Recommended Readings (these change often)



~The Celebrations~

sue dawe

Wisdom Stones

blue space

Dream Symbology


~New~ Herbal Links

golden fire

Pagan Web Weaving


"The Basics" Ritual


A Witches Rune

lite house


my lady

~"That Way Lies Camelot"

dragon cup

Herbal Teas & Stuff

ancient mother

Crone's Wisdom

wolf rules

"The Blood is Strong and the Heart is Highlander."

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