Old 96th District Chapter
South Carolina Genealogical Society
Old 96th District Chapter
South Carolina Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 3468
Greenwood SC 29648
Individual membership $14/year. The Genealogical Roots & Branches (GRAB) Newsletter published quarterly by chapter. Queries from members may be sent to editor for publication at no charge as space permits.
Chapter Publications For Sale (Contact above address)
Family Bible Records (Compiled by Old 96 Chapter) $20 plus $2 for postage Mostly records of families who migrated from SC
Greenwood County SC Cemetery Records Vol I This hard-back book contains 245 pages with approx. 5000 burials and index of about 6,500 names. Maiden names of women indexed when possible. Vol I contians lower half of Greenwood County. Other half will be published at later date.
$29.50 plus $3 postage.
Credit cards not accepted. Questions?? Jane
McCombs Gillespie