There is a real photo opportunity in San Pedro, down at the end of Gaffey Street in Angel's Gate Park. The largest Oriental bell in existence sits in a pagoda-style belfry which affords views of the Catalina Channel. The bell was donated in 1976 by the Republic of Korea to celebrate the bicentennial and to honor veterans of the Korean war. It was cast in Korea at a cost of half a million dollars. The bell is made of copper and tin with gold and lead added for tone quality. It stands twelve feet tall and weighs seventeen tons.
It took thirty Korean craftsmen ten months at a cost of over half a million dollars to build the stone pagoda and columns which support the bell. The bell is rung only on the Fourth of July, August 15 and New Year's Eve. The figures seen in the detail photo are the Statue of Liberty holding the torch and a Korean spirit.
Look out. There are unsurpassed views of the Harbor. |
| Look down. Animals stand guard at the base. |
Look up. Ceiling reveals intricate detail and repeating forms. |
The famous Point Fermin Lighthouse is just within view. Click here.