Welcome to the Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, USGenWeb site

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Visit the Master Parish List for Louisiana on the LAGenWeb Site. Interested in sponsoring a Louisiana parish? Please contact state coordinator Diane Miller for more details. For a look at the bigger picture, see the US GenWeb Project.

Welcome! My name is Shari and I adopted Pointe Coupee Parish because many of the families I am researching came from there. If you have any questions, comments, or contributions, please e-mail me anytime at pointe-coupee@geocities.com.

A Very Small Bit of History
The post at Pointe Coupée was one of the most early settlements along the Mississippi River. It is first referenced in the journal of Iberville, a Mississippi explorer, in 1699. It was he that named the place "Cut Point" because of the channel which allowed Iberville and his group to short-cut having to follow a long curve in the Mississippi. In time, the Mississippi abandoned the curve for the channel, and the curve became known as la Fausse Rivière, French for "False River". By 1708, French-Canadian trappers were in the area, and a few years later came the settlers from Illinois. In 1726 there were 4 names listed at Pointe Coupee: DeCuir, Doegon, Legros, and Poulain. There were only 20 people in the area. Twenty years later, there were over 700 inhabitants. Most came from France. By 1769 the residents of Pointe Coupee took an oath of loyalty to Spain, the new owners of Louisiana, and Pointe Coupee was known by the new governing body as Punta Cortada. In 1803 the Louisiana Purchase was made, and Pointe Coupee along with Louisiana became part of the United States.

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