The Third New York Artillery, Battery B
Callahan's Horse Artillery, C.S.A.
- We are a non-paid group of War Between the States re-enactors, located in
Fort Myers, Florida, who portray both a Confederate and Union unit. We have taken this
decision based not on any lack of political opinion, conviction or ancestral allegiances
but simply on the fact that the Union Artillery at events in Florida is often outgunned 4
to 1 so in those instances we are happy to "Put on the Blue Suit" and let the
boys of New York be heard!
The 3rd NY served most of its time in the
Carolinas with 10th Corps and was in
most of the major actions in which they were involved. Among its many battle honors is the
assault on Fort Wagner, in which the 3rd New York supported the 54th Massachusetts' charge
with 6 Wiard Rifles. We don't own a Wiard Rifle yet but we are in the planning stages and
have found a constructor who is willing to attempt the carriage, arguably the most
difficult part of the undertaking.

- Callahan's Horse Artillery was an independent battery made up of
Confederate Sympathizers from western Kentucky. The unit was raised in late 1861 and was
wholly financed and equipped by Milford E. Callahan who had been a wealthy planter and
coal mine owner and was dispossessed because of his Southern sympathies. The battery
consisted of three 12 pound Mountain Howitzers,
2 on pack carriages and one on a #1 prairie carriage, and a James Rifled bronze 6 pounder.
Their service with the Army of Tennessee was almost exclusively with Nathan Bedford
Forrest's cavalry, from who they won his highest praise for "always being in the
thick of it." (contrived)
- Our unit currently consists of 8 active members and their families for a
grand total of 30+. The gun crew ranges in age from our 11 year old Powder Monkey to our
50 year old Gun Commander. We have a great deal of fun at our events but we do stress two
very important things. The first being authenticity in our portrayal of the era, its
customs both civilian and military are taught and practiced by our members not only to
present a better appearance to the spectators but to enhance our own experience in
reliving history. The second thing really is by far the most important, that being
SAFETY!!! When we are working the gun safety is uppermost in all our minds. We have found
that by following the Ordnance Department Drill prescribed
in the 1860's and by diligent training and practice we have achieved a very high level
safety and awareness of the tactical situation around us so all units around us are safe
also. We are proud to say we have received the praise of all the commanders we have served
under, not only for our safety record but for our military bearing and willingness to
"always be in the thick of it."
- Our unit currently has one gun, a full scale 12 pound mountain Howitzer
on a #1 prairie carriage. Her name is Delilah and she is privately owned by one of our
members and was manufactured by Jerry Stewart of JDS Manufacturing, in Ocala, Florida,
February 1996. She has a matching full scale ammunition box and implements. JCS uses an
original set of Ordnance Department Plans from which he builds his Guns, thereby assuring
100% accuracy. The only differences from an original are the bore diameter, 3" as
opposed to 4.62", and a steel tube instead of bronze. The change in barrel material
was for the sake of economy, steel being less prohibitive in cost than bronze and the bore
was done for economy also. It is much more economical to feed a 3" bore and get the
desired sound. Using only a 4oz. charge, she is often one of the loudest guns on the
- We currently participate in 18-22 events a year ranging in scope from 1
day living history demos for scouting and school groups, to four day major re-enactments
with over 2500 participants. We have not traveled out of the state of Florida to any
events as a unit yet, but 10th Corps is encouraging us to go to some selected
events this coming spring and it is being considered by the membership.
- We also proudly announce that we have become members of Tenth Corps, an organization of Union re-enactors in
the state of Florida which shares knowledge, experience, and training among its members.
Please follow the link to their page on this site.

"Delilah & 1st
Lt. Michael E. Simpson"
Model 1841 12 Lb. Mountain
First Model Prairie Carriage
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First Lt. Michael E. Simpson
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