The First Wedding In Pirates Alley New Orleans The tradition of being married in Pirates Alley in the French Quarter is clouded in secrecy and varies as who tells the tale. One is never sure who was actually the first to get married there but this tale as told to me often during my life is a sure as any tale of pirates, ghosts, and love. Back in the days of the Pirates of Barataria many young men from many places joined in to make a fortune. Called �smugglers� by some, hated by Spain, used by France but admired by Americans as an independent lot who at times would help the poor and ill treated. I am told one Reginald Hicks, who began as a cabin boy on an English ship was taken by some pirates and raised by them. Only a lad in his early teens when captured ultimately raised himself to a first mate by the time of the War of 1812.. He was trusted by all his pirate brethren and their leader Jean Lafitte. He along with several other men met with General Jackson to aid the Americans in the Battle of New Orleans. Of course Master Hicks was a good looking young man having many a lass looking at him but in his heart was none other but a beautiful Creole French girl, Marie Angel Beauchamp. She too had only thoughts of him and whenever he came into the City they would steal off into the night, keeping their love a secret as it was not permissible for a young Creole Catholic girl to be seeing a Pirate of English extraction. As things would happen on Master Hick�s visit to
meet with General Jackson he learned that his Marie was expecting
their child. He being raised as an English gentleman his first decade
of life did not want to leave the city without getting married. His
child would have a father and his love would not be scorned for having
a child. All evening they searched in vain for a priest to marry them
but most required that they both be Catholic, others would not think
of doing a ceremony on such short notice. Eventually they had 2
options, simply jumping a broom down in Barataria or seeking out a
German born baker in the jail who was also an ordained Protestant
minister. Master Hicks did not want to take Marie to Barataria which
meant she would have to stay and may never see her family and friends
in the city again. So they very early in the morning made their way to
the Cabildo and asked the jail�s warden if they could speak with the
Minister. He would only allow them to see him through the iron gate
facing Orleans Alley. But right there and then they were married. Soon
gathered many early arriving workers and some visitors who witnessed
the first wedding in Pirates Alley. Documents drawn and signed by a
Notary on his way to file others for record and all present signed
making the marriage both Civil and Religious. JK Schwehm at Fig Street. Dr. Schwehm with wedding couple in New Orleans French Quarter. (Photo by Julia Bailey) KATRINA INFORMATION: YES, we are open e-mail for information! For more details on getting married in New Orleans Pirates Alley or the surrounding areas see this web page: Just 'click' the above link or go to Dr. Schwehm will travel to other
cities in Louisiana and Mississippi. He has performed weddings in
Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and other Louisiana cities. He has also
traveled to do weddings in Biloxi, Gulf Port, and Bay St. Louis
Mississippi. Looking for an Officiant outside of Louisiana see the American Association of Wedding Ministers  |