East Carroll Parish Statistics
As of 2000 the total population of East Carroll Parish is 9,42; In Lake Providence = 5,104
Gender: Male = 4,817 Female = 4,604Race: African Americans=6,339 Whites=2,977
The parishes unemployment rate (15.2%) is drastically higher than the states average (4.8%)
The major industries of employment are: Services, Public Administration, and Agriculture
Per Capita Personal Income:
1998 = $14,873 ; 1999 = $16,812
Average Temperature Winter = 52 degrees; Summer = 91 degrees ; Rainfall = 56.5 inches
Elevation = 106 feet
Lake Providence as compared with Louisiana
Median household income significantly below
state average
Median house value significantly below state average
Unemployed percentage above state average
Black race population percentage significantly above state average
Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average
Median age below state average
Foreign-born population percentage significantly below stat average
Institutionalized population percentage above state average
Number of college students below state average
Population density below state average
Louisiana Statistics and Quick Facts
Capital: Baton Rouge
Governor: Kathleen Blanco
Organized as a territory: March 26, 1812
Became the 18th state in 1812
State Motto: Union, Justice, and Confidence
The name Louisiana is in honor of France's Louis XIV
Louisiana has 43,562 square miles of land divided into 64 parishes
2002 Population: 4,482,646
State Symbols:
Flower: Magnolia
Tree: Bald Cypress
Bird: Eastern Brown Pelican
Songs: "Give Me Louisiana" and "You Are My Sunshine"
*Taken from www.city-data.com/city/Lake-Providence-Louisiana.html
*Statistics from www.insite.entergy.com