The Immortal Talents of Bing Crosby
At the age of 16, I watched "White Christmas" on TV and have been Bing Crosby crazy ever since. Check out my site dedicated to this classic crooner.
I have written poetry as a creative release since I was a child. This is a small collections of my poems; some okay, some really bad, but all original.
This site is built and maintained by Mrs. Shellie Tomlinson, a local lady with her own television and radio show. Her shows and the site, as the title implies, focuses on all things southern.
Rosie has been a friend and our town librarian for a number of years now. Take a look at her informative and creative homepage.
Cole is a gorgeous little boy who was severely injured in an automobile accident last year. In spite of his serious head injury, he has miraculously learned to speak and walk again. Read about Cole and send him a message at his very own homepage.
Heather and I grew up together in Lake Providence. She battled the disease, Diamond-Blackfan Anemia her entire life. She passed away January 23, 1999 and is terribly missed.
Sandy L. Schmitz's Lake Providence Website
Sandy has worked hard to put together a comprehensive site on Lake Providence. It is filled with information on the town's history and culture.
My mom and dad's high school. It is very different today than it was back then.
I spent 13 years of my life at Briarfield Academy, Lake Providence's only private school. I graduated 4th in my class of around 25 in 1996.
University of Louisiana at Monroe
I spent over 5 years of my life driving the 140 miles round-trip to Monroe, Louisiana, every other day to classes at ULM (formerly Northeast Louisiana University). I graduated with honors with a Bachelor's Degree in General Studies in May 2002.
The Simpsons are hands down the most intelligent and hilarious show on television starring people who are yellow.
Another Fox cartoon, King of the Hill is a satirical look at down-home living. Don't we all know a guy like Hank who takes pride in selling propane and propane accessories?
Seinfeld's dry, ironic sense of humor lives forever in syndication, and the episodes get better every time you watch.
I know, I know, it is a guilty pleasure but there's just something about seeing these kids sing on American Idol. Sort of like watching a train wreck.
George Strait's country music career spans decades and he's only getting better with age. This is his official website.
Conway, then named Harold Jenkins, started his life in a small Arkansas town. This country boy grew into the best country singer of all times. I remember seeing him in concert when I was around 6 years old. I didn't understand what he was singing about but I loved what I heard.
Garth was my junior high
obsession. I own all of his CDs, have been to several of his concerts, and
even spoke with him on the phone and that conversation ended up on one of his
NBC specials. I was at the filming of his colossal concert in Dallas,
Texas, and loved every minute of it.
Dr. Ralph Stanley has spent most of his career as a bluegrass legend who never quite made it mainstream. But, as a participant on the "O Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack, Stanley and his music became amazingly popular. I especially enjoy the music he made with his brother, Carter. In honor of Dr. Stanley, I named my Jack Russell Terrier after him.
The undisputed father of bluegrass. This site is maintained by his son.
"Late in the evening, about sun down, high on the hill, above the town, Uncle Pen played the fiddle, Lord, how it would ring, you could hear it talk, you could hear it sing."