Danielle - 12/11/00 00:50:54
My URL:/girliepooh2000/fanthome.html
My Email:cooky_luvs@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Ldy-Icedragon's Images
Where you are from: New Jersey
Favorite Movie: Bravehart, the craft
Favorite Author: not sure
Favorite Music: anything good
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla and Penutbutter
Love ur page and all the blue :-)
Jane - 08/21/00 04:45:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jjjane1
My Email:jjjane1@yahoo.com
Web Page Title: Planet Jane
Where you are from: Singapore
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Author: John Grisham
Favorite Music: The Corrs
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Fudge double with Chips
hahaha....i love it!! your blue page's so kewl man ;)
Bevin - 07/20/00 19:05:42
My URL:www.geocities.com/bevinspage/bbb/html
My Email:CatAnahita@aol.com
Web Page Title: The World According to Bevin
Where you are from: Near Chicago
Favorite Movie: Cruel Intentions
Favorite Author: Betty Smith
Favorite Music: Classical
Favorite Ice Cream: Marshmallow
Great site - very thorough in your chosen area. I would recommend to a friend.
Benita - 06/22/00 07:58:45
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/picnic/241
My Email:thefairyland@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Fairyland
Where you are from: Sweden
I like your homepage! Blue is one of my favouritecolors! Take care!
john bogle - 03/15/00 04:16:21
My Email:jbogle9329@aol.com
Where you are from: Colorado
Karin - 03/10/00 21:55:07
My URL:http://members1.chello.nl/~k.stobbe
My Email:skylge65@dds.nl
Web Page Title: Karin's Homepage
Where you are from: Netherlands
Beautiful site. I enjoyed my stay here a lot!
Craig Dudley - 03/01/00 05:56:50
My URL:http://Bluetongue.inc
Shelli - 02/21/00 23:52:56
My URL:http://communitites.msn.com/LinksforEveryone
My Email:egirl45@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Links for Everyone
Where you are from: Not Telling
Favorite Movie: Don't Have One
Favorite Author: R.L. Stine, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis
Favorite Music: Backstreet Boys
Favorite Ice Cream: French Vanilla
Your page is elegant and cool. I love it!
Most Sincerely,
JUDY - 02/21/00 04:55:27
Where you are from: CALIFORNIA
Favorite Music: ALL KINDS
Favorite Ice Cream: CHOCOLATE CHIP
pixie - 02/17/00 13:27:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pixie_in_wildflowers/pixie.html
My Email:butterfly_kisses@mindspring.com
Web Page Title: pixie in wildflowers
Where you are from: Nebraska
*smiles* I just love your site !! Its Great !!
On my Adoptees page there is a lil blue guy I think you might just like ....
Kate - 01/27/00 15:40:46
My Email:elrond@tampabay.rr.com
Where you are from: you dont need to know that!
Favorite Movie: star wars
Favorite Author: ??????????????
Favorite Music: ????????????
Favorite Ice Cream: this is geting personal!pepermint
were can i get on of those guardians
Mystic - 01/06/00 00:56:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me3/mystic/index.html
Web Page Title: Mystic's Haven
Where you are from: Canada
Favorite Ice Cream: Edible,,,hehehehe
What a terrific site. I bookmarked it. You have so many wonderful critters running around here. Keep up the great work!!
Raquel Norton - 10/03/99 01:01:53
My Email:istitch@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: Dragon Heart
Favorite Music: Enya
Favorite Ice Cream: Prelaines and Cream
I believe that was the name, with Dennis Quaid and
Sean Connery as a handsome dragon.
Carey - 09/29/99 20:08:41
My URL:http://www.lost-dragon-ranch.net
My Email:Lostdragon@mm0.net
Web Page Title: The Lost Dragon Ranches
Where you are from: outer space :)
Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
Favorite Music: Alternative
Favorite Ice Cream: Pistachio(at the moment)
I love blue. I like this site so much.
Amanda Robbins - 09/26/99 03:26:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Gym/6466/
My Email:amjrobbi@indiana.edu
Web Page Title: Amanda's Page
Where you are from: Indiana
Favorite Movie: Dead Again
Favorite Author: Mary Higgins Clark
Favorite Music: Indigo Girls, Pure Moods, International Music
Favorite Ice Cream: can't eat ice cream *lactose intolerant*
Your site is great. Thanks for sharing!
Yukor - 08/05/99 20:09:09
My URL:http://www.modernmetal.net
My Email:yukor@megsinet.net & tewald@modernmetal.net
Where you are from: My mommy and daddy
Favorite Movie: Deep Throat I, II, and III
Favorite Author: Steven King
Favorite Music: ALL
Favorite Ice Cream: Butterscotch Ripple
Hi ya Sweetheart - talk to ya soon!
Winter Rose - 07/12/99 07:15:29
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/thuntersgld/kdy.html
My Email:jodokast@helicon.net
Web Page Title: Kuat Drive Yards
Where you are from: PA
Favorite Movie: Return of the Jedi
Favorite Author: George Lucas
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Ice Cream: Strawberry
Jake - 07/10/99 16:58:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Aurora/3074/MyPets.html
My Email:yikes17@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: My Pet's
Where you are from: Wisconsin
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Author: R.L. Stine
Favorite Music: Soft Rock
Favorite Ice Cream: Any kind
Awesome Page Love it!
Theocar - 05/28/99 16:10:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/2935
Web Page Title: Ted's Tour of the Planets
Where you are from: Avenalia, sector 93204
Favorite Movie: Sace Odyssey, 2001
Favorite Author: Max Lucado
Favorite Music: Big Band
Favorite Ice Cream: Superior Dairy, Hanford, CA.
Cool, blue pages! Stop-by my site and sign-in, too.
Meghan - 05/15/99 14:43:16
My Email:jrmcd555@aol.com
Where you are from: Middleboro
Favorite Movie: Labyrynth
Favorite Author: Edger Alan Poe
Favorite Music: Mostly anything
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
Exelent site! graphics are amasing keep it up Burbon! =)
Kristian - 04/11/99 17:08:56
My URL:www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/dell/ 4690
My Email:kidpeepers@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Kristian's conner of the web
Where you are from: CA
Favorite Movie: Don't have one
Favorite Author: Ried Banks
Favorite Music: N'SYNC
Favorite Ice Cream: Moose tracks
Your page is really cool!! I liked your page very much! I'm not done looking at it's very nice
beth - 04/11/99 15:55:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~alluvus/index.html
My Email:alluvus@webtv.net
Web Page Title: alluvus's page!
Where you are from: NH
Favorite Movie: gone with the wind
Favorite Author: my daughter, ashley, 8 1/2 yrs old
Favorite Music: almost everything, except hard e, rap and hip hop
Favorite Ice Cream: i love strawberry!
awesome page. thanks for letting me explore.
Evelyn - 03/07/99 07:11:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/hooty732/index.html
My Email:Hooty732@aol.com
Web Page Title: Hooty's Hangout-Wavs, Fun, Links
Where you are from: New Jersey
Favorite Movie: Scarface
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Ice Cream: Heavenly Hash
You site is excellent! I went to every page and loved them all!! Keep up the good work and I look forward to visiting again =)
Stephanie F. - 01/20/99 12:18:44
Where you are from: Virginia
Favorite Movie: I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Lost Boys, Scream 1& 2
Favorite Author: Christopher Pike, L.J. Smith, R. L. Stine
Favorite Music: Pink Floyd
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla smuthered in hardend chocolate!!!
Your site is so awesome! :)
Laura - 01/04/99 20:09:26
Where you are from: Saskatchewan,Canada
Exelent site!
Dylan Heiss - 12/15/98 03:06:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/5480/
My Email:KrAzYcRiPs@aol.com
Web Page Title: Tha' RainForest
Where you are from: Santa Fe NM
Favorite Movie: brave heart
Favorite Author: john grisham
Favorite Music: rap
Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate
Excellent page. I love it lotz.
I love blue very much and black.
you have good taste in color
AmBear - 12/14/98 06:35:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/8062/
My Email:ambear@geocities.com
Web Page Title: AmBear
Where you are from: louisiana
Favorite Movie: any horror
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Music: all
Favorite Ice Cream: choc
i loved the dragons in the exiled place.... but please.... tell me where you got them....LOL... i loved the pages...
11/26/98 22:40:32
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
Weebaby - 11/25/98 20:13:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/9063
My Email:weebaby@geocities.com
Web Page Title: Weebaby's World
Where you are from: Fairfax, VA
Favorite Movie: It's a Wonderful Life; Sense and Sensibility; The Princess Bride
Favorite Author: so many... hmmmm, Dean Koontz, Jean Auel for starters
Favorite Music: Geez! Another tough one! I really enjoy Sting and the Police. And the soundtrack to Les Miserables
Favorite Ice Cream: Baskin Robbins Winter White Chocolate
I came from a link on LadyHipoos page. I was hunting for CyberPets for my son. I know where you can get a blue Guinea Pig if you so desire! http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2979. CLick on the Girls CyberPig Adoption Center Link. Your page is beautiful!
It's like a piece of art! Thanks!
l'hiver - 11/18/98 06:52:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/arc/1313
My Email:veuteux3@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Truly Bleu
Where you are from: singapore
Favorite Music: Have u ever by Brandy...
Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate chip!!!
ur page is real cool!!!! keep up the gd work!!!
come n visit mi too!!!!!
Casie Judge - 11/13/98 05:14:27
My Email:clj8814@rit.edu
Where you are from: rochester, ny
Favorite Movie: silence of the lambs
Favorite Author: thoreau
Favorite Music: industrial metal or alternative
this page rocks!!
Camantha - 10/27/98 13:53:15
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/MiracleMile/camantha1/
My Email:rfgonzalez@rocketmail.com
Web Page Title: Camantha's World of Wicca
Where you are from: Ft. Myers, FL.
Favorite Movie: Star Trek's
Favorite Author: Scott Cunningham
Favorite Music: All Kinds
Favorite Ice Cream: Choc.
MM, Love your page. Had an enjoyable visit, very well put togeather. Have you bookmarked so i can return. Come visit my world, tell me what you think. Brightest Blessings!
Augie - 08/31/98 02:26:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/5424/
My Email:augie_nyr@yahoo.com
Web Page Title: Augie's Sports Page
Where you are from: Newark, NJ
Favorite Movie: Grosse Pointe Blank
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Music: Metallica, like all kinds though
Favorite Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip
Great web site. i like the setup of the page most of all. keep up the great work, i'll be back to visit later.
Mama Bear - 08/29/98 17:55:19
My URL:http://fly.to/teddy.bears
My Email:mama_bear2@yahoo.com
Web Page Title: Mama Bear's Home Page
Where you are from: California
Favorite Movie: The Last Mohican
Favorite Author: Robert Ludlum
Favorite Music: Yanni
Favorite Ice Cream: yuck!!!!
Hey Bourbon...just thought I'd stop in for yet another look-see! Lookin' great! Later....MB
Krista aka AnnaBelle - 08/23/98 15:16:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/3773
My Email:pixie_melody@rocketmail.com
Web Page Title: CrossSection Between My Pages
Where you are from: Krista's Imagination... err, she's from Florida...
Favorite Movie: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Favorite Author: How DAREST you ask THAT!?! Are you insane? We're bookworms! *grinning* There's Lloyd Alexander, Shryll Jordan, Nancy Farmer, Dr Suess..... And sooo many more!!!
Favorite Music: Music? Hmm, Classical or Renisance...eni minie minie...
Favorite Ice Cream: Starberry?
Great page!! I have a lot of the rooms bookmarked so I can go to some of the pages you gave credit to. I love the page, tons of hard work in it and everything! *Smiles* Keep up the terrific work!
cheryl - 08/09/98 16:52:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Shores/7381/
My Email:crazilyinsane@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: My Crazy Place
Where you are from: North Dakota
Favorite Movie: that one with that one guy
Favorite Author: stephen king and dean koontz
Favorite Music: any really..
Favorite Ice Cream: vanilla
hello there!! GREAT site you have here!! i love the blue!!
Granny Dragon - 07/22/98 04:54:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/7414/
My Email:grannydragon@adweb.net
Web Page Title: By His Grace
Where you are from: Oregon
Favorite Movie: Sister Act
Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
Favorite Music: All of it
Favorite Ice Cream: Death by Chocolate
Beautiful page and tastefully done. I'm off to visit the rest of your palace. Welcome to The Rainbow Dragon Web Ring. Hugs from Granny Dragon
Friday - 06/24/98 21:28:09
Where you are from: Florida
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Ice Cream: Better Pecan
Enjoyed all of the great art work. I'm new to the web and learning as I go. Hopefully one day I will learn how to have a page of my own. In the meantime enjoying all the hard work of others.
Keep up the good work!
Kristian - 06/21/98 20:23:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/4690
My Email:kidpeeper@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Kristian's page
Where you are from: CAL.
Favorite Movie: Don't Know
Favorite Author: Mark Twain
Favorite Music: SPICE GIRLS
Favorite Ice Cream: black forest
I liked your page a lot . Thans for your links to places to adopt things. I will be sending you my award.
Made With Love Award Staff - 06/17/98 16:00:41
My URL:http://come.to/mwl
My Email:madewithlove@smyth.net
Web Page Title: Made With Love
Very nice page. Be looking for an email from us.
Angel - 06/17/98 00:00:24
My Email:darkangel@intelegenesis.com
Web Page Title: Angel's Home
Where you are from: Ca
Hahaha..good trick.I really liked your pages..I had been to the Gaurdian place (can't remember the name)and I saw the Gaurdian of Blue..I wondered who she had made that for!*lol*Anyway,I think you have a beautiful site,E-mail me and maybe in another week
r so you might want to take a look at mine!=) darkangel@intelegenesis.com
Cathy Statler - 06/06/98 08:11:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/5564
My Email:imagipet@magicnet.net
Web Page Title: Imagipet Road
Where you are from: Ocala, Florida
Favorite Movie: Lili
Favorite Author: Piers Anthony
Favorite Music: Paint your Wagon
Favorite Ice Cream: Mocha Almond Fudge
I enjoyed my visit very much. I particularly liked the dragons in Room 2. I wanted to take them, but I have to be sure that they are going to a good home.
Sue - 05/29/98 03:42:36
My URL:http://www.suash.com
My Email:sue@suash.com
Web Page Title: Sue's Homepage
Where you are from: Boulder, CO
Favorite Movie: League Of Their Own
Favorite Author: John Grisham
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Ice Cream: French Vanilla
Blue is my favorite, so I'd say you have excellent graphics!
rester - 05/20/98 06:11:37
this site is excellant i ejoyed it
Amber - 05/19/98 20:57:46
My URL:http://members.aol.com/LlewellynH/index.html
My Email:LlewellynH@aol.com
Web Page Title: LlewellynH's Page of Delight
Where you are from: Pennsylvania
Favorite Movie: Hairspray
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Music: Modern Rock & Oldies
Favorite Ice Cream: Cholocate Chip Cookie Dough
Delightful cyper pets! You page is just as liovely as you daughter's.
Lisa - 05/17/98 02:46:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Mistirose/index.html
My Email:lkbrown@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Lisa's Little Place on the Web!!!
Where you are from: Indiana
Favorite Movie: Top Gun????????
Favorite Author: JoAnn Mapson
Favorite Music: blues Traveler
Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road, of course
WOOHOOOOO! I love the color on your page....I love the ocean...and that is what it reminds me of!!
Susan - 05/10/98 17:15:10
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Animorphic/index.html
My Email:Animorphic@aol.com
Web Page Title: My Crappy School
Where you are from: Philadelphia
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Author: K.A. Applegate
Favorite Music: None
Favorite Ice Cream: Choclate fudge brownie
Cool site!
Leina'ala - 05/10/98 11:06:41
My Email:alika@gurl.com
Where you are from: Kauai, HI
Favorite Movie: Pochontis
Favorite Author: Bruce Coville; Lois Sachar
Favorite Music: pop; R&B, Hawaiian, Reggae
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla
I really like this page! It's so totally awsome! I love the pictures and everthing. IT's definatly now one of my favorites and I want to try and get my entire family here. Thanks for filling the web with something nice instead of all the junk you find on
lot of places. If I ever learn to make web pages, I hope it will be just like this.
Morion - 05/03/98 22:18:03
My URL:http://hem1.passagen.se/hexxen
Web Page Title: Morion's Home
Where you are from: Sweden
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Author: Harrison Ford
Favorite Music: Marillion
Favorite Ice Cream: Peach
Hi! Your pages are very beautiful! And now I know for sure that my little dragon have a great home! *smile*
Thank you so much for stopping by my site!
FREE borderbackground Set's!
Morgan - 05/02/98 22:57:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/everythingfromAtoZ/index.html
My Email:morgtheborg@usa.net OR natewild@ix.netcom.com
Web Page Title: Everything From A to Z!
Where you are from: Phoenix
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Author: Dont have one
Favorite Music: I like differint kinds
Favorite Ice Cream: Choclate
Great page visit my page and leave a message in my guestbook!
Try to give people an IDEA of were there going . . .strange page,But good
Shauna - 04/23/98 16:52:42
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/starla/
My Email:starla@soonet.ca
Web Page Title: Starla's Land of Enchantment
Where you are from: Ontario Canada
Favorite Movie: My Fair Lady
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Music: Anything but dance music
Favorite Ice Cream: Swiss Mocha Amond ~ Great now I am craving some! LOL
What a spectacular site! I absolutely love it. The blue and black theme looks sharp. Love what ya did to my cyber critters! They look so comfy in their new home. I know they will be well taken care of!
Lady katarina - 04/21/98 22:18:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/9870
My Email:jshakespeare@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Castle of Love and Spirit
Where you are from: Sweden
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Author: William Shakespeare!!
I just found your page through someone else's guestbook and thought I should drop in for a min... so here I am! Wow! You have really put a lot of effort on this page! Wonderful I must say!!Why don't you come by my castle and hopefully you'll find somethi
g interesting behind the unlocked doors that will make your visit meaningful and worthwhile.
Take care,Katarina
~glo - 04/17/98 06:00:55
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Dell/1446
My Email:gloworks@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: gloworks graphics©
Where you are from: TN, USA
Barb: Miss yaking with you...wanted to leave you a gift. Hey, we had a tornado today! Made it home before it hit Music City! Later, ~glo
Mystic - 04/16/98 13:09:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/6765
My Email:Mystic_77@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Fantasy
Where you are from: S. C.
Favorite Movie: The color Purple
Favorite Author: I like a alot of different ones
Favorite Music: 50's 60's 70's
Favorite Ice Cream: cho chip
I loved being in your castle. You have a really good page. I bookmarked it for later enjoyment. Thanks for the super time.
Dragonette - 04/12/98 03:24:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/9786
My Email:dragonet27@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Dragonette's Home Page
Where you are from: California but in Ohio for college
Favorite Movie: The Mirror Has Two Faces, That Thing You Do, or Groundhog Day! I'm not sure which I like best!
Favorite Author: Robert Jordan
Favorite Music: Country! (I know, I know, but I like it anyways! *L*)
Favorite Ice Cream: Ben&Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup
This is a very cool site! I like it a lot! I was wondering where you got the gems in room eleven! I'm trying to collect a good horde for all my dragons and I really like your gems!!!!
Eman - 04/04/98 06:55:18
My Email:you know it
Web Page Title: same here
Where you are from: my mother
Favorite Movie: Empire Records
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Music: rock
Favorite Ice Cream: plain old vanilla
you know you had just got the site before I left on a 6 month deployment and didn't know what you were going to do with i. Well, I think you have done a superb job with the site and I just cant get over how well it flows. Great job!
With love, your husband.
Terrilynn - 04/03/98 23:43:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~suthernangel
My Email:southgal@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Just some views from a Suthern angel
Where you are from: Winston-Salem, NC
Favorite Movie: The Color Purple - Raising Arizona - Jumpin Jack Flash - Titanic ok, so i cant choose just one =)
Favorite Author: Sandra Brown
Favorite Music: Classic Rock
Favorite Ice Cream: Baskin Robbins Black Cherry
You have such a huge selection! Great job and its really pretty, blue is my fav color too =) If you want me to make the halos on your Suthern angels white or gold let me know, then they will show up. Or if you know paint shop pro you can do it, either way
I dont mind =) Thanks for sharing your page and thanks for adopting some Suthern angels =) May God bless and keep you =)...Terrilynn
Princess Jellybean - 03/30/98 00:08:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/3737
My Email:JellybeanKingdom@cheerful.com
Web Page Title: Jellybean Kingdom
Where you are from: Over the Rainbow
Favorite Movie: A Walk in the Clouds
Favorite Author: James C Christiansen
Favorite Music: All Music
Favorite Ice Cream: Strawberry Sundaes
Dear Bourbon,
You have a lovely site...I enjoyed exploring it and meeting your "Pets"....
aka:Princess Jellybean
Agent Sonya - 03/21/98 09:49:22
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/masonic/59/index.html
My Email:mib_agent_raptor@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: Agent Sonya Blades Realm
Where you are from: Tx
Favorite Movie: Mortal Kombat
Favorite Author: Jenny Randle
Favorite Music: Pop/rock
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
cool site!
love the graphics!
Cindy - 03/17/98 23:24:10
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/6579
My Email:cyberorphans@cheerful.com
Web Page Title: CyberOrphans
Where you are from: Taneytown, MD
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump and Dances With Wolves
Favorite Author: Kathleen Woodiwiss
Favorite Music: Oldies
Favorite Ice Cream: Strawberry
You got me - I love it. The page is looking wonderful. If I can get CyberOrphans to look half this great, I'll be happy! Thanks for all the support.
SVEN - 03/17/98 18:21:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/underground/6004
My Email:bberrier@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: NMR HOMEPAGE
Where you are from: MD
Favorite Movie: TOP GUN
Favorite Music: NMR
Favorite Ice Cream: MINT CHOC. CHIP
~glo - 03/17/98 14:38:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/1446
My Email:gmriggs@worldnet.att.net
Web Page Title: gloworks graphics©
Where you are from: TN, USA
GREAT JOB!!! Thanks for inviting me here! LOL, ~glo
Audrey - 03/11/98 00:36:50
My URL:http://www.idigital.net/pwong/
My Email:audrey@idigital.net
Web Page Title: Audrey's World
Where you are from: CANADA
Favorite Movie: Outbreak
Favorite Author: N/A
Favorite Music: R&B, hip hop, dance
Favorite Ice Cream: Yummmy....double fudge chocolate ripple
Hi there! :) You've done a great job on your site, and I luv the layout, graphics, and super cool features! It's evident that you have put a lot of effort into your page. Congrats on your accomplishments!! I hope you
ill visit my site again sometime as well. Drop by if you want a free headline for your page! Just click the banner below! Hey-wanna link up? We can increase visitors to both our sites! :) Email me!
![]() |
Hi! I love all the blue that you have at your site, it is one of my favorite colors as well. Keep up the good work!
Morion - 03/01/98 21:27:14
My URL:http://hem1.passagen.se/hexxen
Web Page Title: Morion's Home
Where you are from: Sweden
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Author: Tolkien
Favorite Music: Marillion
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla
Hi! Your pages are very nice! Beautiful graphics! *smile*
Thank you so much for stopping by my site!
Adopt your own being!
Cookie - 02/24/98 04:49:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pier/8793
My Email:evacm@ix.netcom.com
Web Page Title: vacuousness
Where you are from: California
Favorite Movie: Heart & Souls
Favorite Author: Don't know...
Favorite Music: alternative
Favorite Ice Cream: choco. chip cookie dough :)
Lovely page - such a mystical look! The idea is very original - I liked the different rooms with graphics - that was interesting & creative :) Well, keep up the good work :) Toodles :)
Angel Twin - 02/24/98 02:31:47
My URL:/Wellesley/6216/welcome.html
My Email:xmzb48a@prodigy.com
Web Page Title: Castles In The Sky
Where you are from: Florida
Favorite Movie: Ghost
Favorite Author: John Grisham
Favorite Music: country
Favorite Ice Cream: Breyers Butter Pecan
WOW!! Your page blew me away, it's absolutely beautiful. I've bookmarked it because I can tell it will take visit after visit to explore it all. I just had to leave this little token of my appreciation of your talent.
Sabrina - 01/20/98 10:20:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/6579
My Email:cyberorphans@cheerful.com
Web Page Title: CyberOrphans
Where you are from: Maryland
Favorite Movie: Forest Gump
Favorite Author: Kathleen Woodiwiss
Favorite Music: Oldies
Favorite Ice Cream: Butter Pecan
Loved It, but then, you knew I would.
Lipstick - 01/18/98 06:23:02
My URL:http://www.nwlink.com/~lipstick
My Email:lipstick@nwlink.com
Web Page Title: Lipsticks Powder Room
Where you are from: somewhere in time
Favorite Movie: Ghost
Favorite Author: Dean Koontz
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Ice Cream: COFFEE
WOW! What a wonderful looking page! I like this!! But I think it needs more blue! hahaha j/k
Angie - 01/16/98 15:39:38
My URL:http://www.jrwent.com/~angie
My Email:angie@jrwent.com
Web Page Title: Angie's Place
Where you are from: Missouri
Favorite Movie: One Fine Day
Favorite Author: Dean Koontz
Favorite Music: Aerosmith
Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road
I love your page!
Chantessy - 01/11/98 03:55:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/1996/
Web Page Title: Chantessy's Page of Fun
Nice page. It's very .... BLUE!
Shirley - 01/09/98 03:18:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/4213/
My Email:shirleym@nbnet.nb.ca
Web Page Title: Bryce and Megan's Little Corner of the Web
Where you are from: Canada
Favorite Movie: I can't pick
Favorite Author: Sue Grafton
Favorite Music: I'm ecclectic
Favorite Ice Cream: Mmm, chocolate
Hi, I'm from the Unicorn friendship center, I just
wanted to see the shades of blue you have on your page for your unicorns and winged ponies. I love
you page!
DOUG - 01/09/98 00:49:22
My Email:DUGZK
patrick - 01/08/98 23:37:43
My URL:http://hi how are you
My Email:hi
Web Page Title: ok
Where you are from: fl
Favorite Movie: all
Favorite Author: all
Favorite Music: rap you
Favorite Ice Cream: ok
thank you
Megan - 01/02/98 03:37:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/1487/index.html
My Email:ldv123@gte.net
Web Page Title: Dragon Lands
Where you are from: Florida
Favorite Movie: Aladdin & Hercules!
Favorite Author: I don't know
Favorite Music: Country
Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip! Mmmm!
I realy like your page! Good job!
mindtraveler - 01/01/98 07:43:40
My Email:lucygoose@rocketmail.com
Web Page Title: not yet published
Where you are from: Dallas
Favorite Movie: Braveheart
Favorite Author: too many to list
Favorite Music: Enya, Enigma, John Denver
Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate
Bourbon: Loved your page... Love anything blue.....Beautiful site.... Beautiful images... and, of course, beautiful color......Would love to list your page on my site when I finally publish it.....
Wonderful imagery....
Mindtraveler (friend of Tifarah's.. got here from her site).
Kat - 12/21/97 16:43:35
My URL:http://www.ozemail.com.au/~nynaeve/
My Email:nynaeve@mindless.com
Web Page Title: Kat's Addiction
Where you are from: Melbourne, Oz
Favorite Movie: Braveheart, Terminator
Favorite Author: Robert Jordan, Stephen King
Favorite Music: U2 and more U2
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate!
What a a great page! *smile* I really loved taking pot luck. I hope you have a lovely Xmas and thanks for the fun.
Sarah - 12/15/97 14:32:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/9171/one.html
My Email:SSchupp555
Detlef - 12/10/97 06:08:15
My URL:/TheTropics/4223/
My Email:dmr@gmx.de
Web Page Title: my Homepage
Where you are from: Germany
Favorite Movie: Beverly Hills Cop
Favorite Author: no special
Favorite Music: Phil Collins, Supertramp
Favorite Ice Cream: i don't like it
just surfed your pages and found them very nice.
i wish you and your family a merry chrismas and all the best for the new year.
greetings from Germany, Detlef
Tom Chao - 12/08/97 03:51:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/5282
My Email:chaox01@ibm.net
Web Page Title: Tom Chao's Paper Money Gallery
Where you are from: East Lyme, CT
Hi, I enjoyed visitng all your rooms in the palace. Blue is my favorate color too.
Craig - 11/17/97 21:25:09
My URL:http://www.cyber-quest.com/home/craig/index.html
My Email:craig@cyber-quest.com
Web Page Title: Craigs 1 stop for Html
Where you are from: Pa.
Very nice page. Well thought out and very nice graphics. I hope your hubby comes home safely.
Jannie Tsuei - 11/15/97 09:49:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1379/
My Email:janniesctsuei@rocketmail.com
Web Page Title: Recommended Books For All Ages!
Where you are from: Taiwan, R.O.C.
Favorite Movie: Gone With The Wind
Favorite Author: Jane Austen
Favorite Music: ???
Favorite Ice Cream: I don't like ice cream
I really like the blue theme. the blue kitty guarding the palace door is nice. The entire homepage gives off an aura of mystery and enchantment!
Glo - 11/10/97 05:12:45
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Dell/8756
My Email:glopets@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: The Net Vet
Where you are from: TN, USA
Oooooh! I feel so honored that you placed Reba & Sheba on their special page. Your design skills are phenominal! Thanks again! ~glo
glo - 11/08/97 05:30:49
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/6787
My Email:glomom@hotmail.com
Web Page Title: glomom's HomePage
Where you are from: TN, USA
Favorite Movie: Sleepless in Seattle
Favorite Author: Too many to list
Favorite Music: Music of all kinds
Favorite Ice Cream: butter pecan
Once again you have produced a beautiful site! Glad I finally had time to stop by. Takecare ~glo
gloworks....a tiny delight Free Graphics, Backgrounds, etc.
The Net Vet: Free Cyber-Pets
glomom's HomePage
Ma - 11/07/97 12:12:11
My Email:Shade701@aol.com
Where you are from: Rockford, IL
Favorite Movie: Steel Magnolias
Favorite Author: undecided
Favorite Music: lite rock
Favorite Ice Cream: Haagendas
Loved the dragons, B! Keep 'em comin' . . .
D~Mentia - 11/05/97 20:22:48
My URL:http://www.cornfed.infoave.net/dmentia
My Email:mentia@infoave.net
Web Page Title: D~Mentia's Crazy lil' Mixed up World!!!
Where you are from: er...um...My world of course...but I hang out in SC occasionally...
Favorite Movie: Dragon Heart & Brave Heart
Favorite Author: Piers Anthony
Favorite Music: Alternative...NIN
Favorite Ice Cream: Its not really Ice Cream...Rainbow Sherbert
BluePard - 10/31/97 01:37:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/2115
My Email:bluepard@buffnet.net
Web Page Title: BlueForest
Where you are from: BlueForest
Favorite Movie: The Hudsucker Proxy
Favorite Author: Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon (they co-authored my fave book)
Favorite Music: whatever's on the radio
Favorite Ice Cream: Heavenly Hash!!
I LOVE the blue scheme. My site's got one too. I want to know if I can use your panther pic, I have a character who's a panther and I could put it up with "Meet Panthera" (that's her name) and it would be so cool!!! I'm going to adopt quadruplet dragons,
already adopted one. But it's ok, he's grown up now, and I'll let my friend Starfire babysit them. ;)
Susan Cooper - 10/24/97 00:39:23
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/7348
My Email:mhtmom@ix.netcom.com
Web Page Title: Welcome to the Coop
Where you are from: Jacksonville, FL~
Favorite Movie: hmmmmm
Favorite Author: Dean Kountz
Favorite Music: ANY--I have teens
Favorite Ice Cream: choc chip
Leslie - 09/29/97 02:51:21 Comments:
Hello from Florida, home of the Jacksonville JAGUARS. What a bluuuuutiful site:) Yes, I do like the blue- sort of grows on you- I have enjoyed reading about you, and looking at your most intersting and <
> BEAUTIFUL graphics. You have done a great job:) Keep up the great work, and come visit the Coop...after all, we are neighbors~!
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6539
My Email:jurrell@ix.netcom.com
Web Page Title: The Ewald Kitties
Where you are from: Jacksonville FL
Favorite Movie: any thing with Sean Connery
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Music: oldies rock
Favorite Ice Cream: 49ers
I'm your hubby and you better leave my favorite ice cream comment in there! I will check it when I get back.