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Welcome to my little spot on the Web, My Online Stores link is down the page.

P.S Just click below and spend away:P MY ONLINE STORES

Hello, my name Is John aka RADTEC, I am a half Cherokee/German 35 year old male standing 6'2 with brown hair and green eyes .(My Father is a full blood Cherokee Brave,My Mother is half German) I am a college graduate who degreed in Computers.I was studying Computer Information Systems.I got a job right out of College with the Kern County Probation Department running their Computer Systems untill the day I was in a County Car and was shot. I developed blood clots that went into my legs and lungs and so I was unable to pass the Insrance Physical and so here I am starting my own online store and I also do Web Design and Computer repair which I run from my home I can't afford to advertise yet but maybe word of mouth will get around as I will beat any price If you live in Kern County email me and if you live else where email me and I can help solve your problems. I am interested in meeting you as the Web brings us all together. I have a wide range of interest. I cannot list them here as I do not have the room to do so, But I will list a few. I enjoy Computers (duh) playing the Piano as well as writing poetry. I have done many exciting things in my life from portraying a Klingon in STAR TREK 5 to being a Body Guard to Cindy Lauper. I went to France in June of 1998 and fell in love with the country and the people. I had always heard that the French were rude but I never met any while I was there. I highly recommend that if you get a chance to go to France visit the town of Saint Mallo, it is a city built within the walls of a Castle. While I was in Saint Mallo I stayed in the real Chateu Briand(sic) It was incredible. Click here to check out the town. I was married on June 3rd, 2000. I married a woman who has been in my life since High School but never knew she existed until 8 years ago. It seems we went to the same high school and and church, we were even baptized the same night.We now have a son born Sept 11 2002 at 7:47 pm (Like the Plane 747, weird huh?). He has an older Brother named Sean who lives in Michigan with his Mother Renee.I bought my first computer on November 1st 1996. It was a Gateway 2000 P5-200, let me tell you it was fast and kicked butt back then but, Like all computers it's time is up and I bought a new Gateway computer 500S Pentium 4 2 GHz 17inch flat screen LCD moniter with Broadband/Cable and I have never had a problem with it or Gateway's fantastic service. Heck I blew the speakers that came with my older Gateway 200 pc and even though it had been 2 years they sent me not just new speakers but better ones at no cost. Check them out in my links below. I am really into France and the Far East. I lived in Baton Rouge as a child and have never forgotten it. I have only been on the net since Augest 1995. I have become a computer wiz of sorts. I love music, well, most music. I really love music by and Toni Braxton and last but not least ENYA
PS. UPDATE!!! I am not afraid to admit it I like the NSync's music. I have become a lover of art as I just completed a course in Art appreciation. I love Midevil art as well as Vampyres and their lore.My Wife and I love being scared by Vamps. We are God loving not Fearing folk, if we won millions we would still be the same people we are now. I want to hear from you as soon as possible, so please send me an email and sign my Guest book please.

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Copyright 2002 ~RADTEC~

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Here is my life story and my need for you to shop my 100% Protected online stores listed above .How it works is that I get a percentage for all that is sold from these sites. I have shopped from them and recieved my order very quick with no problems. This is my only form of of money except what my wife brings home as I was shot while on the job and developed blood clots in my lungs and legs and have to take a blood thinner and because of this noone can hire me because I am to much of a insurance risk due to the ease of bleeding caused by the blood Thinner Coumadin and now I have a 2 month old baby and things have gotten very tight while I fight Social Security For Disability. Please tell your friends to shop here at my page and know that you will be helping me and my family survive. I am not asking for a hand out just that if you could shop here and tell others it will help us so much thank you. John Hooper

Just click here to send me your email © Dec. 5,1996 updated July 27, 2003


I have only one true obsession with a movie star This would beJENNIFER CONNELLY.You may know her from these movies: Labrynth,The Rocketeer,and The Long Hot Summer to only name a few. Here are a couple of my fav pics! 1. 2.And of course her new PICS 12345


I seem to have found a few new actresses to drool over! First Ms. Lucy Lawless aka Xena here are my fav pics!1

Adobe Photoshop altered I did of Lucy

I got to seeNO DOUBT on the 25th of November 2002 here in Bakersfield Ca. The last time they were here was in 1995 and they played the Casa Royal ball room where only 20 people showed up and I was one of the 20 ad I knew they were due for glory.
I am becomming very interested in art as a forum. I believe that I have some talent for it. I will be adding new works of art so please come back and tell me what you think.

I would love some feedback concerning this type of art. I find art to be beautiful in all its form. I detest censorship on art and books. I only object to subject matter that is of an evil nature.