These are a few of my favorite places from around the web.
Audio links.This is the most comprehensive site I know of for audio and DVD info.
Computer Shopper online magazine.
Guitar World online.
Fender instruments homepage.
Got a weapon purchase in mind?Check out
Champion Firarms before you buy.
Bone up on your rights.Check out the
Constitution of these United States.
Metacrawler search engine.
bianca's shack
THX info
rec.guns FAQ
Unofficial Sig homepage.It's so good I bought a P225!
SIGarms' website.
Feeling pure?Test that feeling with the Purity Test v6.6.For the record,I got a 44.8%.Your mileage may vary.
Wanna make a webpage?Check out all of these links.A great deal of my stuff came from these pages.
And finally,a shameless plug for a really cool site.