im not weird, im just conformity impaired - me

The official underdog for October of 1998 by overwhelming majority is my guitar

you ever had one of those months where everything seems to be flying around in the air???? and you dont know what youre supposed to be holding onto, so you reach up randomly and get hit in the head with all the other stuff??????? well, thats been my month... and well... my guitar helps me zone out for a while, bring it back to being real and let me rest for a while... i know its not very exciting for you to hear... but it helps me a lot, and any other nominee would just not be right...
previous underdogs of the month

well, so long, aribederch, ill be sending you a thought today as i lay in the back of my limo today having sex with the teenager of my choice.... and that thought will be thank god im me!!!!

El fin...