You might as well smile, because there's no point in being mean
May you all live in the beauty of your own reality

and if i dont say so myself, i believe that she does it quite well.....

Welcome one and all to my Jewel page!
I am a great fan of all types of music, but my absolute all time favorite artist is Jewel. Now, i doubt that very many people love jewel as much as i do, but the fact of the matter is that there are plenty of jewel pages already out there on the net. And while i would love to add another to the already huge number of jewel sites, it would be a waste of both my time and yours, for i could not make a better page than anyone else out there.... so, i hope you forgive me for this short but sweet tribute to the beautiful soul, jewel kilcher

this site is part of the Jewel Web Ring... look lower for links to other web pages dedicated to the lovely miss Kilcher...

the OFFICIAL jewel page!

jewel's poetry! (she has a book out now... who knew?)

i found this one thanks to my friend Melissa! and it is the bomb and so is she!
how can you not love that???


Atlantic page
isn't she just so...

Mike's Jewel Page! (fellow geocities user!)

guitar tab page
maybe its just me...

The TaPAz Shrine and FAQ
thats what we call jewel gonna kick yo azz...

Jay's page, lots of good pictures
and this is jewel's "awwwww... cant we please have a puppy????" look

Absolute Jewel, this one has a lot of links that i do not
need i say more?
let's hope not....

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person to visit my tribute to juele kilcher page! You've just won a trip for one to henry's tribute to juele kilcher page!!!!
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