I have had a messege up here for four years saying that major updates were in the works. I put that up right before I left for college... How silly I was to think that I would have time to maintain this site (or that I would use any free time I had in college to do so)! Now that college is over and I find myself working full time, gigging on the side, and trying to chip away at finishing my graduate degree(s), I realize that there is never going to be enough time to do the updating that needs to be done here. So I've decided that I will just admit to you all that the site is going to stay the way it is. There will probably never be another update. Since a very boring summer in 1996, Anths Trombone Page has become a suprisingly popular and well visited site. I hope that with the links that still do work, you can continue to make some use of my little page. -Anthony
Welcome to Anths Trombone Page!

Hi and welcome to my page! My name is Anthony Dahl and I am a trombonist from California.
If you would like to know more about me then please click here. 
I maintain this page to make it as easy as possible for trombonists and others interested in this superb instrument and it's music to access related information across the Internet.
Hopefully you will find the information contained here to be useful.
Trombone Related Links
Trombone Ensembles
Sheet Music
Other Trombone Pages
Other Musical Groups
Other Music Stuff
Retailers and Manufactures
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Netscape 2.0 or better.
This page has been in oporation since July 14, 1996. Counters have come and gone... who knows how many people have been here before?
Please feel free to
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My Guestbook
January 15, 2004
Anthony Dahl © 1996-2004.