
Welcome to our Coven's Book of Shadow's page where everyone from "The Secret Circle" is planning to share with you tons of information from the realm of Witchcraft and Paganism. Please stop by their places of interests and e-mail us if/when you have any interesting spells, comments, or other things to share (our address is at the bottom of each page). Please be patient...Nick is still on his cigarette break and Faye wanted to hex a couple so we are running a little late with our information.
Please e-mail The Secret Circle on the spells that you have tried and and have worked. Please be as descriptive as possible and be HONEST please. We're looking forward to people's comments so that we can aim the page to those spells and ideas that work for people and take out the ones that don't work.

The Secret Circle's Update Page

The Wiccan Rede
Bide the Wiccan law ye must,
In perfect love, in perfect trust.
Eightwords the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee.
So ever mind the rule of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
And merry ye meet, and merry ye part.

For more information, please visit each coven member.
For a general overview

Rituals and Holidays

The Elements

Moon Magick

Herbal Lore

Gemstones and Crystals

Personal Spells

Candle Magick

Different gods and goddesses


Book recommendations and help forum

Salem Witch Trials

Warnings and protection spells

TSC Colour Magick and Spells

Visit Thea

Please stop by Sapphira's

seekers of the old ways have visited this page since 7/18/98. Blessed Be!!!

The Night World

Spellbinder The Passion Witchlight The Initiation The Chosen The Captive Secret Circle The Awakening Vampire Diaries The Forbidden Game Strange Fate The Black Iris Dark Reunion Dark Visions Heart of Valor Asgard
© 1997-2000

All images and ideas unless otherwise noted or in the public domain belong to the Night World and can only be used with express permission. All books © Lisa Jane Smith
