Welcome to My HomePage!

Hello! Very nice to see you! I don't get many visitors here, as I am kinda new here myself. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is MysHarvest, although you may call me Harvest if you'd like. In the abar family, (that's alt.books.anne-rice for those of you who don't know), I am a daughter to Adonia and Gabriel. I also have several sisters, two brothers, and countless relatives--most of which I have yet to meet. Would you like to see a picture of me?

As for some for my interests, I love to read, especially books by Anne Rice and anything by those wonderful spec writers. ;) I have recently gotten engaged, and therefore my favorite thing to do is spend time with my new fiance. But of course I do have more interests than just the love of my life. I also love to ride horses, and write short stories. I'm in the middle of writing a spec called, Shadows of Forever, and I've been adding to this page as I post it. You are more than welcome to read it, and please tell me what you think. It's nowhere near done yet, and I have no idea when I'm actually going to finish it. I also enjoy reading the writing of my friends. Many of them write short stories, which the here. As I've mentioned I don't have much time to write lately, so I've recently have had to ask my mom Adonia to take over for me temporarily. She accepted and for this I am very thankful. Before this happened 'though, I brought another character into the cafe, Mysti. Not much happened with her, but when I return to the cafe I'd like to bring her back.

Well, that's basically all there is to know about me. I hope you enjoyed your visit here to my homepage. If you'd like to contact me for any reason at all--helpful comments on my page, feedback on my spec, or just to talk--you are more than welcome to do so. I’d love to hear from you! Good-bye for now!

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Since January 2, 1997, you are person number to visit me!

This page was last updated on January 15, 2004

1996 mysharvest@aol.com

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