Booter & Fancy
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work (still) in progress!

Fancy's working as fast as she can!


January 2009

Thank you for stopping by to visit. Feel free to wander around here. You may find a little bit of everything, from our past times to our passions. Just keep grinning!

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Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast


Check this link for Booters page on Home brew at it's best! Booter has discovered the best beer on the planet. It's made right here at home! And he enjoys making it too. Of course, half of the fun of brewing is sampling the end product! EMAIL Booter about his latest, he's always searching for recipes and ideas. Glad to swap stories too!

Relax! Don't worry! Have a home brew!


check Booter's brew page!

2004 Efforts/Results


I am a costumer, heart, soul and sewing table! Have been for a number of years. Probably always will be. My costuming interest vary so widely that when asked which genre I prefer, folks often get only a grin and "all of them". And of course makeup and special effects.
My little playground

Spare time is spent listening to good music, genealogy, brewing beer and oil painting. Not too bad if I say so myself!!

Ah, to posess the WISDOM. Just click on his title above to see, ask, consult and generally ponder the wisdoms. May we all be a little wiser, if we just listen.

Oh no! Now Fancy's done it! Yep, now she's tracing our family...what a chore. But its's fun. Here's a list of the surnames we're looking for: MCLAIN, HUGHES, EUBANKS, VANLEEUWEN, FABER, JOHNSON, PARSONS, HOLCOMB and so many more! If you have any ideas, please email us! Glad to share what we have too. Click the link for a lot more! We're over 10,000 people now!


yep, we're Parrot Heads!

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Need a ride? Give JETSTREAM LIMOS a look!

How strong is YOUR stomach??

Maybe you prefer to wander the among the stars.

See ya.

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Thank you........ Booter & Fancy
you laughed....I saw!!


What's up with that??!!

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