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Family,Friends and other stuff
I would like to welcome the newest addition to my family........Prince
Who could refuse a face like this?
Exploring the "low maintenance" lawn in the back yard
Look into my eyes....you are growing drowsy...or is that me?
Are you SURE Bette Midler started this way?
Me and my dad. HEY! Get your hand out of THERE!
Me protecting my dad and my brother. HEY! Get away from MY boat!
My home of which I'm so proud
My boat of which I'm also proud
To My Trini Tigger ~ You were my true love.
You gave me much over the 3-1/2 years we were together...
You gave me your patience, your understanding and, most of all, your love. You taught me to DUCK!! and to SIDESTEP, how to laugh and be happy again.
You taught me that I must be important to me, because I am important to you.
You were there when I needed you most...to help make me strong when I could not.
You came to me as a friend, and you stayed as my friend, my lover, my confidant.
We made a home together...and we began our future.
On March 03, 1999 it was 3 years...you know I can't begin to tell you how happy I was with you here by my side. You were the love of my life, my friend and you will always be special to me...
Although you have since chosen to leave me, I will always cherish the time we spent together. I thought I could not be complete without you however, in time, I have learned to live with that.
My heart, and my door, will always be open to you...you are a special and wonderful Tigger.
My Friends
Pat ~ You've been a good friend through thick and thin...I'll always love you
for that. Of course, now that you've reached a milestone age, I can ridicule you
mercilessly! *lol*
Casey ~ A place of honour for a special friend. Thank you for all your support.
Georgia ~ Nicöle's "other mom". Keep on keepin' on darlin'...you, me and Steve Tyler...WE KICK ASS!
Micky Metts ~ With YOU there, I know Chatalot will be a great success
Tuesday® ~ You are STILL the best sister a guy could have! *kiss* You are truly one in a million.
Bender ~ Thanks for making my sister so happy...she deserves to be.
Brandon ~ You may never know the happiness you have brought to two of the most special people on the net. Someday, son, I'll tell you about it. It'll be the day I finally get to hold you in my arms...you might be 35 by then, but I PROMISE!!!
Corner ~ A good friend we really don't see often enough.
Blueman ~ A good friend. (I'm watching those smooches, bud) *grin* Where's the
LadyLightning ~ A true lady *kisses her hand*. And a Bonnie Raitt fan...We miss chatting with you and the Captin
Captin Flash ~ Thank you for your help and support *zoooom, splash, zoooom*Where you two been?
James !!! Love ya' man! Get your sorry ass up here SOON! We got some serious
Single Malt business to take care of...LIFE IS GOOD!*lol*
NB Trouble ~ Come around more often...we miss you.
Bad Boy ~ *throws him a beer* Where ya' been bud?
Aphrodite ~ Remember that *kiss* for Mom...
Jessica ~ A *kiss* for you...*throws her a package of strawberry Starbursts...good luck on your tour, darlin'*
Pamphylos ~ Miss playin' "Email tag" with you...hope you're happy.
Poppy ~ *blows her a kiss* Always good to see you, darlin'
~ Shine on darlin'...although we don't talk much, I love to see you there.
Pagan's Daughter ~ A truly sweet and interesting friend...miss you
Mystery ~ C'mon down into the gutter...you might like it!
Galaxy Cat ~ C'mon in more often...can we talk?
McQ ~ The second-best bartender in the tub *lol*
Timotheus ~ I LOVE molasses!
Red ~ A dear friend, and a great late-night listener...
§abby ~ Hola, girl. Can we borrow that skirt again?? Pleaaasssse...
Goddess ~ You ARE my fantasy darlin'!*sighs as he kisses here underneath her garment...nuff said*
Tricia ~ Next time we meet, bring me a Hurricane...K? *lol*
Pookie ~ NOBODY sticks their tongue up my nose lie you darlin'...
JerseyEd ~ So why is it that pookie smiles so widely all the time?*LMAO*
hopone ~ A new friend, and a good one. And a cousin by marriage.
mlpepper ~ Another recent friend...*kiss*...glad you came.
normajean ~ Another cousin by marriage...the family's growing.
Lawless Lady ~ A true lady...and TRULY lawless! *pant*
Romantic(M) ~ Hey you!! Stay away from those women!! *ROTFLMFAO*
cricket ~ Chin up darlin'...I know you're a strong woman.
Some Cool links I enjoy...*grin*
~ Micky's answer to corporate traitors...Noli illegitimi carborundum sunt (Don't let the bastards grind you down)
~ The coolest software around
~ Powwow is a fun place to hang out and chat
~ The kind people who donated this space
~ A very cool place in St. Catherines, Ontario
~ Uroulette...For those of you who feel adventurous
If I've missed you, bear with me. Let me know and I'll
be glad to include you in this list.

Of all the things I've lost in life,
I miss my mind the most.
..........Steve Tyler
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