News Flash: As though you really couldn't tell, this page has been obsolete for quite some time. I have to apologize. With the exception of the short hair thing, I really havent been working on this site. However, look for more updates... somewhat soon at my OTHER page.

Just like that picture at the left, this page is old and obsolete. I have pretty damned short hair now, and I could have sworn there was a picture of it somewhere on this site, but since I'm tinkering with this page because I'm bored at work, it doesnt really matter.

On a side note, I'm realizing that it hasnt just been a long time since I've edited this page... I really just didnt give a shit! I had this paragraph here about a picture which should have been here, but wasnt! Oh well.

If you havent figured it out yet, Jean Dupree is not my real name and I'm not french. This name was made up for the purposes of online gaming years ago, and I've kept it because its still identified with me. I also wanted to keep it to avoid stalkers but lets be honest. Anyone who can go to with my phone number can do a reverse lookup, find my house, get a map, and because they're so nice, they'll give directions too. FUCK YOU're probably the instrument of choice for spousal abusers everywhere.

So why did I go missing? Well, let me answer this in a section I like to call:

mad net surfers have checked out this page since 4/22/96...

Sign my guestbook...let me know what you think!
Click HERE to see what people have written in my guestbook

links be here

Read up on my stories and other ramblings...

Find out the truth about Godzookie - the guestbook stalker

Macarena is a Ho! Click on the link if you dare...

Read up on my background-my childhood & how I got to be so weird

Check out my trip to Mardi Gras, 1995!

Check out my collection of weird links

See, JD has FRIENDS!

Check out all the pets page and see my dogs & ferrets!

And see my old, extremely obsolete anti-censorship page.

Speaking of obsolete, why not also see my original home page for a laugh 

Email me with comments, suggestions, recipies, brain farts, etc...



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Where you too can have pop up windows and other annoying BS come up unexpectedly.
Watch for my move to a new server ASAP.