landscape and the alluring mystique of Malaysia's
virgin forest, dramatic coastline and verdant vegetation
awaits enthusiastic trekkers. The thick green foliage of tropical
forests, which cover nearly 70% of peninsular Malaysia and more
than 80% of the whole of Sabah and Sarawak, makes jungle trekking one of
the favourite activities among outdoor lovers.
Classification of jungle trekking activities is based on the obstacles, terrain and the density of the forest. For instance, there is flat terrain, adulating through semi-cultivated terrain, cultivated terrain and primary and secondary forests. Trekking under such conditions is interesting as trekkers could encounter some rate species of tropical flora and fauna. Trekkers will also experience crossing hanging bridges, steep train, hill areas and off beaten track. This is a worthwhile endeavour as sooner or later you will be rewarded with cool and refreshing waterfalls scenic river crossings and a labyrinth of large and small caves. Trekking activities are commonly organised at most National Parks and along such famous trail as the Mat Kilau Trail in Pahang and trails around Kuala Tahan. Treks may last for a duration of only 2 hours or long as a whole day, depending on the distance and terrain. Popular trails are those to Bukit Teresek, Tahan-Tenggan, Rentis Bumbun Tabing, Sg. Telingan Kumbang. For the more adventurous and experienced trekkers, they may choose to trek around the Tenor rail. This will take a total of 3 days and involves 2 overnight camps. The
most popular long trek is the trail to the summit of Gunung Tahan,
which normally takes 5 to 9 days, Tasik Cini one of the world's largest
natural lakes, surrounded by 150 hector of lush tropical jungle, is an
ideal site for some adventurous trekking. Trekking may also be done at
the Elephant's Trail, Hunter's Trail and the Gamun track.
For novice trekkers, there are several places to cater to their needs.
These are the Taman Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam, Selangor, Air Keroh. Recreational
Forest, Malacca Banding Resort, Perak and other interesting places.
In Sarawak, well-know trekking sites are at Mount Santubong, starting from Camp Permai, Similajau National Park Bintulu, Niah Mulu and Labir National Parks near Miri and Bako and Kubah National Parks, near Kuching. Trekking can be very informative with the existence of all kinds of tress, birds, unique plants and insects to identified. Treks are also held from time to time by the Malaysian Nature Society, Government bodies, volunteers researchers, scientist to such preserved areas as the Endau Rompin Forest Reserve. Such expeditions are usually organised by professionals for education and scientific purposes.
The Malaysia jungle is humid and hot. At higher altitudes, the temperature may get a bit cooler, but usually there is no breeze. Don't walk too fast to avoid unnecessary exhaustion. Visibility in the forest is very poor due to thick vegetation. It is advisable to group together rather than to keep a distance to avoid any of the party members getting lost. When crossing a river several steps have to be followed:-
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