

This is my homepage for my homemade 3-wheelers (trike/motorcycles).   My name is Ed Evans, and I live near Waco, Texas.

This is my current ride. I started this in 2004, when I gave up on trying to find a drive train for the 6cyl trike I was trying to build. This one has a '69 VW Pancake Engine, and it is an Automatic. It has a Harley Wideglide front end and boss hog gas tanks.  I am looking for another gas tank to supplement those because I don't want to have to stop so often to get gas.  In 2005 I took it up to the first BTW Rally held in Forsyth, Mo.  A wheel bearing went out on it and we didn't get to do the parade into Forysth.  Click here for pictures.  It went to the Top of Texas Rally 2005 and did just fine.  In 2006 we did Jacksboro, TX; Sturgis, SD; Amarillo, TX; Turner Falls, OK; and Galveston, TX. I rode it up to Jacksboro for the Memorial Day Event this year (2008).

09/01/04 12/15/04


This is my old ride. It has a metal body on a Volkswagon rear-end. It has a '68 beetle engine.  It has a 750 Honda front end.  We trailered her to the BTW meet at the Berry Patch in Rapid City, SD in 2001. On the way she caught fire (electrical wiring burned up). I noticed her headlight was on and stopped, and smoke was just pouring out. I disconnected the battery, while my wife and daughter poured Dr. Peppers (only liquid available) on the flames. Boy was I disgusted. I spent the first day at the Berry Patch rewiring her so she'd run. But she did run before the day was out. See Berry Patch Pictures

I've built this three wheeler back in 1997.  It now has an extended front end, a stainless steel dash, a windshield, and it seats two (side by side). I've mounted signal lights, emergency flashers, fog lights, and an emergency brake. I also added a theft alarm (which burned up and I haven't replaced). It has had a top it, but I got tired of it and took it back off.

I went to my first ever trike-in at Sturgis in 1997.  Since then I have been to 3 Lone Star Trike-ins at West, TX, 10 Top of Texas Trike-ins in Amarillo, on Memorial Day 2001 we attended the Lone-Star Trike-in that was held in Abilene, and on Memorial Day 2002 and 2003 we attended "The Gathering" at Graham, Tx.     Memorial Day 2006 and 2008 we attended the rally in Jacksboro, Tx.    Aug 2006 we did the Sturgis Rally. Sturgis Pictures and while we were there we did a BTW meet in Rapid City. The pictures from it are online at: SD BTW Meet

I joined the Yahoo Club brothersofthethirdwheelbtw. That is where the pictures from the 2000 Top to Texas Trike-In were posted. However, I went to the website yesterday to look at the pictures and the photo album is gone. Moral to that is don't post pictures at Yahoo groups.

In 2003 we went down to the Lone Star Rally in Galveston. The trike didn't make it, we had to get the trailor and take it back home; but we went on down anyway. In 2004 the trike made it. It was repainted right before we went. So it was more red then yellow. We had a good time in spite of the fact it rained all day Saturday. In 2005 Hurrican Rita messed up our plans to attend the Rally. In 2006 we took the new trike to Galveston. Click on links for pictures. 2003 2004 2006

In 2004 we went down to the Thunder in the Hills Rally in Fredericksburg. It was a biker rally, but there were a few trikes. Click here for pictures.

I am a member of the Brothers of the Third Wheel. If you are interested in information of their events, click here... Brothers of the Third Wheel - Trikes.

For refreshments in the Waco area stop by the Shade Tree on the I-35 access road (south bound)just past the Lorena exit or if going north, try Papa Joes on the access road just past Lorena. Papa Joes is where the Blue Knights hold their monthly meetings.

I ran across a website that lists biker bars in all the states. If you are traveling and want to know places to stop... visit One Eye's website Biker Friendly Bars

These are other triker home pages that I have found entertaining and informative....
National Trikers ASSN.
animaltrikes 's Home Page
OX BTW's Home Page 3
Bob Sokol shows you how to build a Trike

If you'd rather buy a trike than build one you can look here.... but they are pretty pricey.

If you want to send me an e-mail, click here....

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Last updated: - 09/12/2007

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