Hi, my name is Jon Terkelson I was born and raised in Ogden, Utah and have recently completed a program in Clearfield, Utah called Clearfield Job Corps Center, it's a campus full of teenage young people like myself from the ages of 16-24 years of age. This program helped me achieve my High School Diploma, earn my driver's licences, give me more in-site into the world of Computer Repair, Programming, Networking Systems, also met some very interesting people with my experience up there!. Well here I am today living to talk about it to whom ever would like to here of an experience living with others from around the globe, and I must say that it was a very interesting life up there. There was good time and as well there where bad times but the longer that you lived there the more aware of things sometimes there would be something that would be able to catch you off guard but that was rare!...,Yes I was luckier then most up there because on the weekend I was able to go to my parents place to relax a little when there are some students that never was able to go home like some of the Islanders and such! But after there time was up they got to go anywhere they wanted to in reality they got there cake too. I have been trying to get into the field of Advanced Computer Repair, Programming, Networking Systems and such so that when I'm about 30 or so I don't need to worry about my next pay check or something, and the one thing that helps me out now is family and friends ask me to re-build or repair there system(s) for them and usually I do wonders for everyone of them some times, however I get a machine that don't like me very much and I gotta wipe it completely and start fresh but that is the neat thing about computers is I don't need to worry about being board because computers as you know there growing massively and so I will be very busy for a long time as far as I care... One long term goal that I have had for a long time is if I cannot find a decent job that I get into then I am going to sign up for the military because everyone that I have ever seen or heard about that is in or has been in the military is having a very, very nice job or don't need to work any more but with me I got to work for the rest of my life because if I don't I'm going to go insane, but for right know I'm hitting the pavement hard trying to fish for that job that I want. Because I've worked them jobs that are minimum wage and doing work that you absolutely suck and I can tell you that parents where right all along we need to get as mucheducation as we can get because a lot of these jobs that are opening up and that are going to be opened up soon needs someone that is extremely highly educated and certified, that is the one thing that I did not realize because without good education your job is going to suck, myself I like to wake up and be happy to go to work and when I get to work I don't have a problem with working extra time and the one thing that I really don't like most of all is when I get to the job and I am staring at the clock most of the time because of it may being boring, if I'm busy all day and I'm having a good night every night then the job is mine.