Photo Album
sorry I have yet to put more pictures on this page pictures im having a difficult time finding out if the others will be ok with there face on the net. It's also my first time with creating a web site sorta...but im damn good with a camera
this is my first car 1985 honda prelude 1800+ and I killed the motor the oil dipstick dry so now its in the junk yard
first time in Wendover, and me and mom went gambling at the rainbow casino sorry about the pic my mom cannot hold still
I tryied to get a picture of me standing next to the million dollar tree that is by wendover
sitting in front of my computer chatting
mom, shady, and me doing yard work
about me
recent picture of me
me standing by my new car at my appartment
the engine froze up on me because i did'nt give it oil all the time it had a bad oil leak and died
sorry about all the pictures of this car but this was my fav fucker was quick
this is a 1999 Dodge Avenger 6 cyclinders automatic power everything
Oh in case if you are all wondering i don't have that damn sports car anymore or the prelude the engine went out in the prelude and i kinda wrecked the avenger so now im driving the probe...and just for the record i have only had 3 tickets and i got sided for not having a licence plate in the front of the probe recently but the fucking cop was board because he could have seen my broken mirror on the damn thing but it was a saturday morning so i think he was a  little booked for excitement to give me a fuckin ticket for no plates for the front but like i said i think he was board the fucker..because look at the avenger
contact me
sorry i use yahoo