North Texas Traditional Dance Society
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NTTDS Logo - Dancing Armadillos What's New (See the Schedule page for details)
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THURS April 23: Scandinavian Dance Workshop, 7:30 - 10 pm

April 24-26: When In Doubt, Swing! contra dance weekend in Dallas.

Sunday May 17: MFA Graduation Party, slow jam, and pot luck for JeanE McIntosh, 2 pm to 9 or 10 pm.

May 30, 2-5 pm: Special afternoon contra dance at Sons of Hermann Hall, featuring the Lost and Nameless Orchestra from Austin.

May 30, 8-11 pm: Saturday evening contra dance will NOT be at the Plaza.

June 12-14: Flamingo Fling contra dance weekend in Oklahoma City.

June 26-28: Tunes for 20! contra dance weekend at Lake Texoma.

We are now using a survey created by Ridge Kennedy (see his web site to get feedback from our dancers. We'd appreciate it if you would spend a few minutes to take the survey. The board will use the results for future planning. Thanks.

for Producer, Drinks,and Sound. We'll train you! Here is the description of volunteer duties.
To help out, contact Vice Presidents Sheila Bellows , 214-381-7032, or Lee Dixon , 214-828-9591.

About Us

The North Texas Traditional Dance Society (NTTDS) was chartered in 1986 as a non-profit educational organization to promote a better understanding and appreciation of American folk dancing, its music, its history, and related folklore. It is an group affiliate of the Country Dance and Song Society. We are an all-volunteer organization, based in Dallas.

The main kind of dance we do is called Contra Dancing. It is a form of American folk dance derived from English Country Dancing. It has no fancy footwork, so is easy (and fun) enough for beginners to enjoy almost immediately, especially with occasional help from our friendly experienced dancers.

By far our most popular activities are the Community Dances we hold on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturdays of every month. These are open to the public and feature live music and a smoke- and alcohol-free environment. No experience is needed, because all the dances are taught. You don't need to bring a partner. We encourage everyone to change partners for each dance.

Every spring we hold a weekend dance festival, featuring a nationally-known band and caller. This draws over 100 people from Texas, Oklahoma, and a several other states.

The club also has a Performance Group that does demonstrations at various social and cultural events, encouraging audience participation. To have us dance at your event, contact Linda Mrosko, , Home: 903-887-1274, Work: 214-720-0720

For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Then check our Dance Schedule or call our "dance hotline" (214)357-8213 and come to one of our dances. We hope you will, and are looking forward to dancing with you.

To join or renew, print the membership form, fill it out, and mail it in. Membership forms are also available at all our dances.

If you have questions or comments about this web site or about NTTDS, send email to NTTDS: .
Webmaster: Glenn Manuel    

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